Tuesday, January 10, 2012

things we learned in new hampshire

romney really, really wants ron paul to stay in the republican party and deliver as many of those douchebag paul voters as possible in the general election.  keith olbermann is right: the current tv election coverage sucks donkey dick.  it looks awful, and cenk and granholm are not ready to play on the big stage.  the four dwarves are fucked tonight and going forward; it's all newt and his pimp's blood money from now on.  david shuster looks confused as to why he's playing second banana to the clowns in the studio.  al sharpton.  at least half of msnbc's programming each day should consist solely of tamron hall standing in front of those data screens with her ipad wearing that dress and reading the news.  if maddow keeps her show, sharpton can do the rest of the other half; not sure if he can stand that long, though.  ron paul is creepy.  and he's not a 2012 republican.  watching jon huntsman's second-loser speech, it's pretty obvious why huntsman's father doesn't want to waste money on his son's campaign.

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