Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We Built This Shitty

Watching Walker and Santorum give their speeches in front of the sad fucking collection of special needs convention assholes is almost enough to make a sapient humanoid or sentient robot want to vote enthusiastically for Obama.  If this is the best our political lessers can do, then they we are right and truly frakked.

Update: Ok.  That lying, lantern-jawed whore Nikki Haley makes Walker and Santorum look like Martin Luther King, Jr. in comparison.  What idiot told her to keep that scary, strained smile plastered on her empty head at all times?  Christ, she makes those two water-brained assholes seem like genius award winners, too.

Updater:  Holy shit, this speech from the vile twat Ann Romney is quite possible the biggest trainwreck on cable since Glenn Beck.  Did one of those cable news assholes say she was a good public speaker?  Were they fucking high?  This is an awful speech.  She's coming across as utterly fake and insincere.  What a cunt this Romney is.  22 years old, new baby, husband in college...and a 50 million dollar trust fund.  Fuck you, you goddamned disgusting lying bitch.  MS and cancer are a fuck of a lot easier with a full-time medical staff in your mansion and a couple hundred million dollars in the bank.  She is truly one of the most despicable people in our sad political history and every bit as evil and ignorant as Walker, Santorum and the rest of those teabagging cocksuckers.

More updater: Moby's Dick flops himself onto the stage in a size 200 suit and fully-absorbent, full-body cross between a maxi pad and Mormon blessed underpants.  Do any of the fucking retards in the hall realize that everything that Moby's Dick and they themselves stand for is a betrayal of the (probably fictional in the case of M. Dick's family) working-class struggles that Dick claims has ennobled him as a Republican?  It's probably a good bet that M. Dick's dead mother and not-quite-dead Pa are pretty fucking ashamed of him.  Or fucking should be!  I dream of a day when all politicians are as unappealing as this greasy motherfucker.  On that day, a decent man or woman may have the chance to be heard.  For now, all we get is shameless, self-promoting bullshit barfed up on us by a 500 lb. greasy fat sack of human excrement from New Jersey.

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