Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Except The Democratic Party Establishment Doesn't Want ANY Sort Of Universal Health Care Plan--And Never Has

The entry level pissboys and welfare academia fuckwads are either really fucking stupid or...

Anyway, what we do know is that if the Democratic Party had been serious about Single Payer or National Health or anything, said political party could have and would have spent at least the past two generations building up national support from voters though education and campaigning along with recruiting and electing candidates at every level from the local school board in some shitty little town in New Hampshire or Mississippi all the way up to House, Senate, and Presidency who 100% support the program.

This is exactly what the Republicans did with evil bullshit like anti-choice and anti-science and anti-worker insanity--they started small and local and modest and now we have screaming morons like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in the Senate and deranged, brain-dead monsters like John Kasich and Scott Walker and Sam Brownback destroying America one state at a time.

It can be done--and done on topics that are truly not popular with very many sane Americans, but tell the lies long enough and they become part of the discourse.  Health care is popular, and you wouldn't even have to lie about it, but when you let the evil conservatives tell lies for decades while you pretend not to hear, well, that says maybe your exceptional Democratic Party is a whole shitload closer to the Republican Party on these things than the fools would like you other fools to believe.

Imagine if the Dems had been serious in the 40's or 50's or 60's or 70's and started making national health care and universal coverage for all Americans a priority.  What would have happened with Tubby in 1992?  What would have happened with Obama in 2008?  Chances are not the shit shows and tragic failures we did get.

So, here we are again.  Universal health care is overwhelmingly popular, despite the decades of lies by the Republicans and the truly evil inattention by the Dems, and of course the Republicans will never allow it to happen, and of course the Dems won't do anything to change that today or tomorrow, guaranteeing that a status quo which benefits a very few and kills and impoverishes many will endure.  Some idiot on LG&M pretending he's made some sublimely cogent and wise pronouncement is either really offensive to anyone with even two functioning brain cells or really embarrassing for him.  Or both.

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