Friday, June 17, 2016

America's Failure On Guns Is The Democratic Party's Failure

So much of the guntard and NRA villainy started to really get rocking in the late 60s and early 70s when a few of the unhinged, insane and insanely wealthy conservatives started their project to destroy society with dangerously wrong-headed conservative principles promulgated by the newly-formed "think" tanks like the Heritage Foundation and Heartland Institute.  The Olin and Coors and Mellon and DuPont and Koch families and their comrades decided that the debasement of civilization was worthwhile if it profited their own families in the short term, and the NRA inanity was part of the plan--the part that appealed overwhelmingly to that special sort of white, ignorant, powerless, and racist underclass who would be among the most damaged by the rest the conservative agenda. 

The Democratic Party, rock-ribbed establishment conservatives they have always been, failed to do the politically expedient thing and oppose the entire radical conservative agenda from the start, and because of that, failed to oppose the rise of gruesome gun fucktardery. 

We suffer with the fools who cannot comprehend basic sentences in the U.S. Constitution mostly because there has been no long-stand opposition to the guns and violence in the country from any of the establishment leadership class.  Without a true center-left party to stand in opposition to the hard-right Republicans, the gun fetishist were allowed to soil our society with their perversions and bloodlust.  Destroying the terrorist NRA will take many years now, but the work will not even begin until one of our political parties decides to make it a priority.  Obama has shown that he was never strong enough to start that work.  Is Hillary?

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