Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Krystal Ball Gets It On Warren, Atmo

I still think right now any of the Dems beat Trump, with Biden having the most trouble and the greatest chance to blow it, especially among the top three--incumbency has huge advantages, but as of today, Trump is squandering all them in the most hilariously insane ways--but Ball is correct in saying that Warren has not been and most likely will not be that great appealing centrist activist class warrior type president that we need right now.  (Ball gets in a great slam of Rachael Maddow, too.  Heh, indeedy.)  Hillary lost because she was monumentally unpopular and a shitty campaigner.  Warren is a much better pol than Hillary, but Ball is right in pointing out that Warren has not been able to or willing to build a (winning) coalition the way Bernie has.  Bernie would have won easily in 2016 because of his broad base of support and will have an even easier time in 2020 because his movement has broadened and deepened.  And Warren is a squish.  She'll abandon Medicare for All, she will never mention labor or the working class, and she will do nothing meaningful to create a more just and equatable society.  She'll be another Obama, a somewhat appealing neoliberal technocrat, appealing mostly because she will drive teabaggers fucking insane every single day simply because she exists, pursuing hegemony with bloodthirsty abandon.

And if Warren gets the nod and then somehow loses to Trump, well, she'll be hounded to the ends of the earth and never know another moment's rest or peace.

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