Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Bernie Is No Dick Cheney

The sudden, unexpected cardiac emergency couldn't have come at a better time for Bernie.  If this had been in January or February, well, he'd be all done.  But if he comes back 100% from this, he will have plenty of time to prove himself, especially once Biden is out.  Besides the timing, the best news for Bernie is the Trump meltdown over impeachment is so fucking epic that much of the other news is getting drowned out.  Sanders was also able to finish the big fundraising Q3 with the second-biggest haul of the campaign on the very last day.  If he'd become ill on Sept. 28, well, that might not have happened.

If he's 100%, Bernie can lean into this episode as even more of a reason why the US needs a proper universal healthcare system like Medicare for All.  That's great political showmanship that will only look better when Biden is gone from the race.

Dick Cheney had a defective heart his hole life, and that did not stop him from being the worst president in American history even though he was only elected as a vice president.  The key for Bernie is how well and how quickly he can come back from this.  His health scare also makes it more likely Warren will not turn down an offer of being the next VP.  It's a cruel calculation, but if she is unelectable/unable to beat Bernie, well, she knows she will be POTUS at some point, sooner or later.

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