Saturday, November 30, 2019

Excellent And Straigtforward Endorsement Of Single-Payer From Saez And Zucman As Seen In Politico

We can afford Medicare For All.  No shit.  I mean, yes, of course we can.  Saez and Zucman do a great job of making the case without getting into the fucking weeds, with the upshot being that a proper single-payer system will be a huge pay raise for every American worker.  In addition to being a moral imperative for any semi-functional modern society.  Of course.  That too.

The part nobody's talking about yet is that California is the actual single-payer plan.  Sure Bernie will have a Medicare for All bill introduced on day 1 or whatever, but miserable arch-conservative reactionary racist Dems like Joe Manchin will never vote for it, while all it's really going to take is California instituting their own single-payer plan with the help of the Sanders administration and the guarantee that California will still get all of the federal health care funding they get now to spend on their plan.  That's it.  Game over.  Once California does it, New York, Virginia, Florida, and Texas need to follow suit, and Massachusetts, Vermont, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada will want to, and that's pretty much it.  Single-payer healthcare in California creates a fait accompli.  Sanders knows this.  This is the real, practical, achievable plan to get Medicare for All.  That's how it went down in Canada, too. 

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