Monday, November 25, 2019

Jill Filipovic: Corn Cob Or Dim Wit? Both? Yes!

Jill Filipovic might not be this stupid.  She may be a disingenuous neoliberal shithead.  But either way, these Hillbots--and reactionary muttonheads--like Filipovic, like Moira Donegan, are toxic to real progress in the U.S.  People like Filipovic and Donegan need to be swept into the dustbin of history right fucking now so that we can get to work.  Conservatives suck, and it is heartening to see Nathan Robinson triggering them so deftly.

Update: This is fucking genius--welfare academic simp Scott Lemieux clowns himself because, well, he's the sort of fella who gets canned from a tenured job at a non-selective private college because nobody takes his dumb classes.  Very.  Stable.  Genius.  (Clearly Lemieux didn't read Robison's article, but remember: got fired from a tenured job at a shitty college.)  Sometimes I think Dave Weigel is trying to signal to us that he's not the fat greasy libertarian boy he appears to be and is only pretending to keep his cushy job and be able to afford the vast quantities of onion rings and hot dogs and cigarettes required to keep his girlish, Ignatius Reilly figure, but, nah, he's a fucking dolt, too.

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