Friday, April 19, 2013

Well, Thank The Gods Our Mad Bombers Are Really Stupid

This whole thing is turning into an even bigger clusterfuck as Suspect #2 runs himself sooner or later into the inevitable hail of gunfire.  In fact, the whole operation was so fucking stupid that a few questions arise.

What was the point of bombing the marathon?

Who would be dumb enough to bomb an event that was basically in their own front yard?

Why did these guys not immediately leave town after very stupidly personally bombing a very public event where they were sure to recognized in short order?

Why did they not even try to disguise themselves?

Did they think that robbing a convenience store and killing a cop was a good getaway plan?

What rocket scientists came up with this plan?

Did they build the bombs themselves?  They seem pretty fucking stupid and jumpy.

Were they someone's rubes?  That could be completely plausible as the two brothers have fucked up at every turn and never stood a chance of getting away with their asshole plan.

It could also turn out that these two jerkoffs were just a couple of nuts who thought they'd strike a blow for whatever bullshit they believe in and didn't think--or weren't capable of thinking--much beyond that.  The aftermath would certainly support that conclusion as well.

Regardless, these assholes could have done a shitload more damage and might have lived a lot longer if they hadn't been so unbelievably imbecilic and careless.  For once, rampant fucktardery works in our favor.

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