I was never much of a fan of Di Fi, but with this torture report, she has done an honestly great thing for all of us. The report itself is pretty fucking horrible, worse than many folks probably thought it would be, full of vile atrocities gleefully committed by Americans on many hopeless, innocent, poor non-white people just because we could in disgusting retribution for some imagined existential threat to our inherent white christian goodness or some stupid fucking shit. The report is also invaluable for refuting once and for all the lie that torture was necessary, effective, fun, funny, lawful, useful. Those sick fucks like Dick Cheney and John Yoo and Alberto Gonzalez and Jose Rodriguez and the rest of their evil cabal are the worst people who ever lived. Thanks to Feinstein, everyone knows that the USA is as sick and rotten a society as has ever existed; we have no reason to pretend ever again that we are better than places like Russia or China or Israel or North Korea. American freedom, American justice, American exceptionalism are lies. We are no better than anyone else, and now more people understand that. That's a good thing. Time for us grow the fuck up and stop bullshitting ourselves and the rest of the world. That bullshit gets people tortured, violated, and killed.
There never was the Hollywood-style "ticking clock" and there never will be. There was no reason to to torture. Safety was never an issue. Lives were not saved by anally violating random prisoners. America was not protected by beating detainees to death. Torture was used because some Americans in power wanted to torture; torture was an outlet for the twisted gratification of the perverted torturers and their enablers. All of this is revealed once and for all. Now you know.
But even better than all that good stuff, maybe, is the fact that the teabaggers and the Repubicans and the CIA criminals and the Fox "News" cocksuckers are going crazy over it. Scores of these torturers and murderers have come out from their shitholes to cry and complain that they are not the vile criminals everyone now knows they are. In the short term, this is a great fucking thing for the American people, for history, and for the rest of the world, because when the bad guys like torturers and murderers and liars are scared and angry, the rest of us are happy.
Let's pray to jesus now that the universe serves up that rarest, sweetest of things, true karmic justice, to some of those creepy perverted assholes who committed these atrocious crimes in our names.
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