Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thank The Frakking Gods We Can Count On Assholes Never Learning A Fucking Thing

And it's always the biggest cocksuckers who are the nastiest.  This is American exceptionalism at work on the world's foremost upper-class twit bike forum.   Huzzah.

On the other hand, Surly is doing pretty okay by bringing up the topic of casual--and not so casual--sexism in the big happy family that is the bike industry, knowing that creepy douchebags and teabagging dickheads would get very offended and pretend that the womens is just so fucking sensitive, too fucking sensitive to take a joke in the man's world of work and humor and stuff that matters.  Christina Julian had to know that she'd take shit for having an opinion that might make bros and other varieties of douchenozzle uncomfortable--that is exactly what makes dialog and progress and shit so hard, so thanks for having the balls to speak your mind knowing how the vermin would react.  If we all get in on the fun, something decent might actually happen for once, but, ya know, Americans are exceptional assholes, so don't hold your breath.

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