Saturday, October 17, 2015

Freedumb! Freedumb! Freedumb Caucus!

How's that search for a new Speaker going?  The fucking dipshits in the Freedumb Caucus are so busy acting like insane idiots--because they are insanely stupid motherfuckers each and every one--that something REALLY bad for the Republican party is likely to happen any time now--and gods damn that would be a fucking brilliant stroke of luck for the rest of America and the world!  The liars and criminals who thought they were in charge of the Repubs are fucked beyond repair.  Those fatuous GOP scumguzzlers may have to settle for a famous pathetic loser to rescue the Republican brand, and if that happens, they might as well kiss 2016 goodbye up and down the ticket and in all 50 states.  It will be a beautifully entertaining bloodbath.

This is wonderful, and I love it more than I have ever loved anything.  The entire Republican party could collapse over this, and that would be the best thing to happen to the USA in decades!  Change might actually come for this sad old land, and it might be the most entertaining change ever!

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