Saturday, October 17, 2015

Yeah, iCarly Is Fucking Done

And there's no fucking way in hell Trump's gonna pick her for Veep.  Nobody's picking her for Veep.  iCarly's "bump" in the polls one of the most risible examples of a prefab media story chucked out there to make the nonsense horserace coverage seem more exciting to the fools who are both sad enough to follow the campaign and stupid enough to believe what they see.  In other words, morons.  In other other words, exceptional Americans!  In other other other words, Fox "News" fans!

iCarly is also as bad a candidate as she is a human being.  Unlikable is an understatement, and Digby has a point that being a woman makes Fiorina's repugnant personality even more of a liability.  There's so much more shit that will be poured all over her as the campaign goes on--ask Senator Boxer--that all of us will be thanking the gods for the deliciously entertaining funfetti iCarly will bring unless she gets out quickly.

The Republicans are so freaked out by Hillary Clinton that they grasped the only woman dumb enough to get all the way down into the boiling pig shit that is the 2016 Republican presidential campaign.  iCarly's not winning any elections now or ever; that's something they really shoulda asked Barbara Boxer about. 

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