Friday, October 16, 2015

Glorious Days Of Rage In Palestine

Rage on, brave brothers and sisters!

I believe in equal rights.

I want Palestine to have the equal right for atrocity and murder, the same as Israel.

I want Palestine to have the equal right of guns and tanks and bombers, the same as Israel.

I want Palestine to have the equal right to maim and torture without fear of ever facing justice, the same as Israel.

Given that Israelis are cowards and criminals, a Palestine enjoying equal rights with Israel would end the conflict in less than ten seconds.  Israelis aren't as brave as the Palestinian people and wouldn't dare abuse anyone who wasn't overwhelmingly helpless.

Of course, either way, I don't have to fight.  I don't have to die.  I don't have watch as my world is blown to bits.  Lucky me.

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