Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jesus Frakking Christ, Ralph Nader V Amanda Marcotte? AMANDA MARCOTTE?

We are fucking doomed.  Amanda Marcotte began her life as paid troll for John Edwards, and I'm pretty sure Ralph Nader's career as a troll may have followed a career of something more substantive.  Probably should look that up.  Then the welfare academia crowd--rock-ribbed entry-level protectors of the establishment in all its glory--get their undies in a wad because they hate Nader for all the most inane reasons--and probably because Nader enjoyed the benefits of an honestly elite education, and Nader's life probably worked out much as Nader always wanted.

Disagree with Nader all you want on the substance, but the knee-jerk, reactionary Democratic hate for Nader because Al Gore was an exceptional America loser and coward is just fucking sad.  Remember, plenty of suckers are big money so those fools can educate their kids at comically non-selective colleges and universities.  I mean, I'm sure they're very nice, but they're not, ya know, like, the best or brightest or anything.  Whether Nader is right or wrong on interest rates, Nader's a player and Amanda Marcotte and the welfare academia folks are water buffalo butt flies in comparison.

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