Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sally Pipes Is A Liar And A Whore

Sally Pipes, like Fox "News" itself, is always wrong about everything.  She's a rock-ribbed reactionary health insurance industry shill and two-bit fucking whore.  Canada and the NHS that the Limeys have both produce better medical outcomes and longer life expectancies than in the USA.  (When talking about Canada, Pipes uses "data" from the Fraser Institute, an insane radical right-wing libertarian outfit, so none of that horseshit is worth anything, and we know that the NHS has suffered under Tory governments for 40+ years in an effort to destroy it, but the NHS still gets the job done better than the for-profit system in the USA.)  A single-payer Medicare For All program in the US would be expected to produce those superior results as well while providing care for everyone at a lower cost.  Sally Pipes might not understand this because he is a fucking moron, but most other folks do.

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