Saturday, November 30, 2019

Young Pop Bliss

Excellent And Straigtforward Endorsement Of Single-Payer From Saez And Zucman As Seen In Politico

We can afford Medicare For All.  No shit.  I mean, yes, of course we can.  Saez and Zucman do a great job of making the case without getting into the fucking weeds, with the upshot being that a proper single-payer system will be a huge pay raise for every American worker.  In addition to being a moral imperative for any semi-functional modern society.  Of course.  That too.

The part nobody's talking about yet is that California is the actual single-payer plan.  Sure Bernie will have a Medicare for All bill introduced on day 1 or whatever, but miserable arch-conservative reactionary racist Dems like Joe Manchin will never vote for it, while all it's really going to take is California instituting their own single-payer plan with the help of the Sanders administration and the guarantee that California will still get all of the federal health care funding they get now to spend on their plan.  That's it.  Game over.  Once California does it, New York, Virginia, Florida, and Texas need to follow suit, and Massachusetts, Vermont, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada will want to, and that's pretty much it.  Single-payer healthcare in California creates a fait accompli.  Sanders knows this.  This is the real, practical, achievable plan to get Medicare for All.  That's how it went down in Canada, too. 

Dan Crenshaw: One-Eyed Corn Cob And Bug-Eyed Teabagger

What a piece of shit.  Dan Crenshaw is a fucking idiot, aka a perfect Mayo Pete supporter.  Booty Gig is fortunate to be a rock-ribbed conservative.  Thanks, Trump!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Hell Razer

Glorious Winning Day After Day For The KHive And Armando Big Cuck Democrat Llorens

So. Much. Motherfucking. Winning.  Harris is sick of all the winning!  And so is the KHive!  Poor Armando Big Cuck Democrat Llorens is not doing very well.  He's having a sad and telling himself Bernie is only at 13% nationally with nowhere to go.  Armando is a fucking imbecile.  And it's too bad the Big Cuck Democrat has never heard of a polling average.  Meanwhile, Kamala Harris Is A Cop and bleeding staff to a fucking Republican, and all of the dozen or so Harris supporters left besides Llorens are about to start committing suicide when Bernie wins primary after primary.  It's gonna be fucking oodles of fun.

And Armando Llorens might be the dumbest motherfucking on the gods damned planet.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

KHive Pissboy And Hillbot Moron Armando Big Cuck Democrat Llorens Will Always Be A Fucking Dipshit

Sucking Hillary's dick three years after she lost to the lardy moist orange manbaby is probably the most pathetic thing in the fucking universe.  But dimwits like Llorens have no brains and no shame and will work their dumb motherfucking asses off to make sure they lose to Trump again.  Our mission is to stop them.

Stephen F. Austin Is America's Finest University, Today

With the planet's favorite college basketball team, today.  The pride of Nacogdoches, the Stephen F. Austin State University Lumberjacks did the lords' work by beating the most vile organization in the known universe, the Duke men's basketball team, at home in front of their wretched fans.  Excellent work gentlemen.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Megan McArdle Is The Ultimate Grotesquely Useless American Faildaughter

No ravenous cancer in a baby or sucking, gangrenous wound on a fluffy kitten is more disgusting than Megan McArdle.  Dung beetles who are so lazy that they refuse to roll shit into little balls have more essential dignity--and more inherent worth to the universe--than Megan McArdle.  The hateful insipid horseshit she manages to spew up in exchange for a handsome salary is easily one of the worst indictments of the essential depravity and fundamental evil of humanity in all of history.  This dullard never had an original thought in her empty head, yet she has been ceaselessly rewarded by the conservative, establishment media and helplessly stumbled her way upwards her entire life solely because she is a fatuous upper-class faildaughter.  She knows nothing about life, has never had to work or worry about anything ever, and her risible rules are beyond simplistic and inane.  Humanity is doomed.  Megan McArdle is the worst of us. 

Is There Anything On Earth Worse Than A Christian

This is screaming, bugfuck insanity.  Franklin Graham and Eric Metaxas are absolute syphilitic fucktards.  They believe in jesus and demons and all that shit.  At least, they say they do.  But sincere belief in any or all of that nonsense is fucking lunacy.  And these fools get to run around loose and fuck up the world for the rest of us.  Billy Graham was one of the most truly grotesque and vile humans who ever lived, every bit as bad as Hitler or Reagan or Bush or Nixon or Pinochet or Thatcher or Billy Ray Cyrus.  Franklin is a fatuous failson, but he's also a greasy grifter and shithead.  Yet there he is, every day, making the world a worse place to live for everyone else.  That's our fault.  Fictional jesus christ didn't let that happen.  We did.

Peter Wehner is himself a simpleton, failing to understand what a disgusting piece of filth Franklin Graham is and giving him credit for his criminal conspiracy disguised as his dumb charity, Samaritan's Purse.  The only purse Graham gives a shit about is his own, but Wehner is doesn't have the brains or the balls to grasp any of that.  The Atlantic employs liar and risible scumbag Edward-Isaac Dovere and neocon cocksucker David Frum, after all.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Jill Filipovic: Corn Cob Or Dim Wit? Both? Yes!

Jill Filipovic might not be this stupid.  She may be a disingenuous neoliberal shithead.  But either way, these Hillbots--and reactionary muttonheads--like Filipovic, like Moira Donegan, are toxic to real progress in the U.S.  People like Filipovic and Donegan need to be swept into the dustbin of history right fucking now so that we can get to work.  Conservatives suck, and it is heartening to see Nathan Robinson triggering them so deftly.

Update: This is fucking genius--welfare academic simp Scott Lemieux clowns himself because, well, he's the sort of fella who gets canned from a tenured job at a non-selective private college because nobody takes his dumb classes.  Very.  Stable.  Genius.  (Clearly Lemieux didn't read Robison's article, but remember: got fired from a tenured job at a shitty college.)  Sometimes I think Dave Weigel is trying to signal to us that he's not the fat greasy libertarian boy he appears to be and is only pretending to keep his cushy job and be able to afford the vast quantities of onion rings and hot dogs and cigarettes required to keep his girlish, Ignatius Reilly figure, but, nah, he's a fucking dolt, too.

The Who By High Numbers

In the end, the fact that Daltrey and Townshend can still play the hits is the news.  Sure, Townshend is still petty and insane, and Daltrey is a self-satisfied old Tory, but the two of them can saddle up the old war horse and go out and belt out the old rock and/or roll.  No matter what Townshend says now, The Who in their prime was the sublime rock monster beyond anything before or since.  Nobody did it better, even if the explosion couldn't be contained forever.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

David Sirota's Best Life: Grotesque Pissboy Edward-Isaac Dovere Can Only Aspire To Corn Cob Status

Ass-licking toady Edward-Isaac Dovere, the creepy little coward who had a shitfit and lied his ass off trying to smear David Sirota after Sirota went to work for Bernie Sanders, gets brutalized by Ryan Grim and Shaun King and plenty of other folks on Twitter, because, well, why the fuck notDavid Sirota certainly seems to be enjoying it, as well he should.  Now everyone knows what a craven little turd Dovere is, a hack stenographer and careerist boot-licker, and pretty much anyone would have to admit Sirota was right.

Excellent Nathan Robinson Fisking Of Elizabeth Warren

Not one of us.  Nope, she's not.  Never was.  And the longer the campaign goes on, the worse she looks.  Warren was never going to be as good as Bernie on anything, but health care and foreign policy are just the most glaring of her shortcomings.  Sanders is not perfect, but Warren is working overtime showing just how much better he is than anyone else right now.

Exactly What Specific Sort Of Weird Loser Do You Have To Be To Be An Elon Musk / Tesla Stan?

Jesus frakking christmas.  Tesla is literally a scam.  Their cars are overpriced garbage.  They're idiot traps.  Anyone who buys one is too stupid to live.  This risible truck is a fucking joke.  Elon Musk is so dumb.  And he's a liar.  Nothing he promised about his shitty cars or his shitty solar panels or his shitty rockets have worked.  It's a grift.  Except the fires.  The fires are real.  Tesla is highly flammable.  His cars explode, and the solar panels could burn down your house.  And of course rockets splode all the time.  But sure the absurd truck Tesla will never build will also have solar panels on it.  Sure.  Musk has done nothing useful in his fucking life.  He took a pile of his father's money and invested it in a startup and that pile turned into a bigger pile.  Now Elon Musk spends his every waking moment trying to show the world just how dumb he is, but some people will continue to suck his dick.  Why?  Shouldn't these sad little men find another hobby?  Just how motherfucking dumb do you have to be to think Elon Musk is smart?  Isn't there something better you can do with your time instead of fluffing a grifter imbecile like Elon Musk? 

Apparently not.

Jesus.  This guy is fucking demented.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Bibi For Prison 2020!

Can this piece of shit Bibi go to the same prison as Roger Stone?  And whichever of the Trump assholes get sacrificed.  That would be oh so nice.  Netanyahu is finally indicted for being a corrupt scumbag but not for being a genocidal war criminal.  If we pray to jesus really fucking hard maybe that will be next. 

What The Actual Fuck Is Wrong With The People In The United States

Jesus christ.  This is a horrifying story from the Chicago Tribune.  Torture of kids is just another normal day at many schools in Illinois and elsewhere; locking unruly children in isolation rooms to make it easier on the staff is 100 fucking percent torture.  Education experts and special education experts have plenty of alternative, productive techniques to help the kids, but torture is so much fucking simpler.  And way more fun.  This is a diseased society, definitely not worth saving.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Warren's Foreign Policy Instincts Are Fucking Garbage

This is a very dangerous weakness for Elizabeth Warren.  On foreign policy, she's an arch-conservative, and that fucking sucks major ass.  Anyone with even half a brain knows exactly what fucking happened in Bolivia--and knows what the USA did.  The fact that Warren doesn't have the sense or the courage to tell the truth about the violent right-wing military coup staged by the United States through the OAS is perhaps the worst thing about Elizabeth Warren.  And this is a woman who was an enthusiastic Reagan Republican until she almost 50 fucking years old.  Jesus.

Ryan Grim loves Warren, and even he sees how toxic this shit is.  Bernie's so much more enlightened than Warren in every way, but foreign policy is one of the most striking.  Not much came up in the debate last night, but Bernie did get in a nice mention of Palestine and Gaza last night.  Warren sure as shit did not.

Not All

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ady Barkan Decides To Go Out A Loser

In the end, Ady Barkan failed.  Sad.  Barkan had a chance to make the better choice, but he didn't.  Of course, Barkan was a Warren stan from before his ALS diagnosis.  Like all endorsements, this was more than a bit of a political stunt, but regardless, he should have known better.  Warren is a terrible candidate compared to Sanders, far too conservative and far too recent a convert to the centrist agenda of healthcare as she was a rabid Republican until she was almost 50 fucking years old.  Clearly Warren would also abandon her push for healthcare and surrender to the conservative Democratic Party establishment just as Obama did.  People in the US need to be better than Ady Barkan and Elizabeth Warren.

Besides Being A Millionaire Trustfundbaby Failson, Matty Yglesias Is Also A Corn Cob

Delete your account, you grotesquely stupid reactionary cocksucker.  Yglesias is nothing if not a detestable neolib shithead, but at least the proles can have some fun kicking his teeth out on Twitter.  Without his trust fund millions, Matty would be squatting in a puddle somewhere with no pants on eating worms, ranting that all he wanted out of life was to shine Ezra Klein's boots with his tongue and drink deeply from his pissbucket.  Fuck him.  Time to tax these nasty creeps out of existence.

Bernie Needs To Educate Some Of His Peeps On Healthcare, Canada, And History

Ro Khanna is right on here, but some of the Bernie people lost their shit because they are fucking morons.  Warren stan Ryan Grim gets pissy, but he's right.  Single-payer in Canada started with Tommy Douglas creating Medicare in Saskatchewan, paving the way for adoption by the rest of the Canadian provinces.  It's a solid plan.  If the a state like California can be assured that president will back their play with the totality of Medicaid and other federal payments to fund a single-payer plan, well, that's game over.  Once California has single-payer, other states will follow quickly.  All a state needs is the assurance that feds won't undermine their single-payer plans; this is what happened in Vermont.  With a better president than Trump or Obama, a large, prosperous state would be able to make it work.  That's a great way to go if President Bernie doesn't have a decent, sane Senate.

Be better Bernie people.  Jesus.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Kristi Noem And South Dakota Finally Explained: Meth

Gov. Kristi Noem and the people of South Dakota apparently have some sort of pretty good excuse for, well, South Dakota and everything else: they're on meth.  That makes perfect sense.  Everything about that vile teabagging shithead Noem's political career and South Dakota in general is abundantly clear, and frankly should have been all along.  This is our fault for not figuring it out sooner.  

Yes, yes you are.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

Anodyne Fisking Of Nate Silver In The New Republic By Aaron Timms

This is fine, but it could have been so much bloodier.  Silver is a grotesque fucking joke, and while this long-form fisking by Aaron Timms is certainly gratifying, surely Silver warrants a much more brutal exposure.  Nate's Liver points the way.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

David Dayen's Day One Agenda For President

Dayen one. Good.  A useful reminder for the neolib shitbirds out there that a new president has lots of power and, unlike Trump, could wield that power to benefit the 99% instead of the most hateful bigots and vile inbred billionaires.  More of this and less pathetic right-wing Obama/Biden/Mayo Pete horseshit.

John Bel Edwards, Not At All Sick Of So Much Winning, Cucks Trump In Louisiana

Why is Trump so fucking sick of all that winning?  Creepy arch-conservative John Bel Edwards is a Dem, and he fisted Trump yesterday after the fatuous MAGAtard lunatic running for the GOP, Eddie Rispone, got fisted by the voters of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Shreveport.  Nice to see that the voters in those cities realized that they could decide who the fucking governor was going to be, instead of ceding all authority to the racist bumblefucks in the rest of the state.  Thanks, Trump!

Not Breaking News: Stephen A. Smith Sucks Major Ass

And is a horrible, boot-licking Tom.  Smith deserves to be on Fox "News" 24/7 with a side gig shining Tucker Carlson's and Sean Hannity's and Lou Dobbs' shoes.  Eric Reid is a decent fellow, and he's one of the smartest guys in the NFL.  Reid, good, and Smith, piece of shit.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Myles Garrett Was Just Playing Old Time Hockey

Old Time Hockey!  Myles Garrett fucked up because old time hockey is not what America is all about anymore, but that pussy Mason Rudolph started a fight that he was sure to lose.  Garrett was wrong to take the bait, yes, but we should not forget that Garrett is clearly a man who understands old time hockey.  Anything greater than a 2 or 3 game suspension for Garrett is way overkill unless Rudolph gets suspended as well.  This idiot Max Kellerman shows he is a man who loves old time hockey and is surprisingly quite correct about this shit.  On the other hand, there cannot possibly be a bigger fucking screaming imbecile on this planet than Stephen A. Smith.  ESPN is shit in general, but holy christballs, Smith is a gods' damned toxic fucking moron.  Smith is way too fucking dumb to appreciate old time hockey, too.

Roger Stone: That Freaky Little Pervert Was Made For Prison

Roger Stone is officially sick of all the winning!  Thanks, Trump!

When Stone goes to prison, it will represent the last of his hot and horny creepy fantasies, a real bucket-list experience.  The rest of the world will be delighted not because Stone is in his element, but because Stone is a vile reactionary shitbag who will deserve each and every single disgusting second of his prison term.  No matter how nasty Stone is, not every day of his incarceration will be a non-stop Republican orgy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hey Pop

Poulidor, R.I.P.

Raymond Poulidor, indeed a true racing icon.  Poulidor was famous for his racing rivaly with Anquetil, but he was also a beloved athlete and said to be a truly decent person.  The story of his time with Anquetil while the latter was on his deathbed transcended bicycle racing.  Au revoir, Poupou.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Somehow Less Annoying Than The Actual Smashing Pumpkins

I get the feeling Courtney Love and Billy Corgan deserve each other.

Not Breaking News: Trump's Catamite Stephen Miller Is A Huge Racist Asshole

SHOCKING!  It's sorta hard to fathom how a vile racist troll could be a literal racist GOP operative placed in the White House by Steve Bannon.  Or something.  Miller being a ranting racist creep is not a secret to any of the bigtime media dipshits in Washington, but plenty of those careerist pissboys and pissgirls in the establishment media are going to pretend that this is a shocking shock to anyone and everyone.  How could anyone have known...

Ilhan Omar is going to be a great POTUS in 2029.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

At Least You Are Not Someone Dumb Enough To Pay Or Pay For Josh Barro Or Josh Marshall

Are you?  Josh Barro is a fatuous trustfundbaby failson libertarian dickweed who has never been bothered by an original thought.  He's the perfect establishment pissboy: he does it for love.  Risible masturbator Josh Marshall is no better.  Both of these utter morons think that Joe Biden is a the front-runner in a race he will mostly likely abandon before the first of the year because that is what their lords and masters wish them to say.  They obviously can't understand what is actually happening in the campaign, and, really, they have no reason to care.  Neither Barro nor Marshall got where they are because they were smart or insightful or fearless or talented.  That's not what is happening with them.  At all.  Just be happy you aren't dumb enough to employ them or pathetic enough to pay to read their drivel.  Unless, you are, in which case, well, you're fucked.

There Will Always Be Bootlicking Scum Like Yascha Mounk

Yascha Mounk never met a shiny, shiny or shit-crusted boot he would not lovingly lick.  This piece of shit cocksucker worked for Tony Blair, so you don't have to know anything else about him to understand that he is joyful and obedient imperial pissboy.  Fascist toadies like Mounk help to make imperial atrocities palatable to both the professional and underclass servants of the hegemony.  Fortunately, not all of us are as craven and debased as Yascha Mounk and his ilk, and we know a brutal military coup when we see one.  Evo Morales was too successful as president of Bolivia, and that success meant he was in danger of undermining the control of the United States in the hemisphere.  Worthless bastards like Yascha Mounk and Jeffrey Goldberg have never been successful at anything except guzzling rancid piss and licking the boots of their imperial masters.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Never Go

Remember That In 2016 Paul Sperry Warned You That Bernie Sanders Is A Diehard Communist

Communist!  Diehard!  An actual literal communist!  That's what Bernie Sanders is!  Paul Sperry is a very stable genius, so he would know.  Sperry worked at World Nut Daily, and that's a true seal of quality.  Wingnut welfare is a hell of a drug.  COMMUNIST!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Another CIA-Backed Fascist Military Coup, This Time In Bolivia

As always, the United States is the enemy of freedom everywhere.  Evo Morales was another successful South American leader brought down by the fascist forces backed and funded by the CIA.  Much like Lula and Dilma in Brazil and Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, along with pretty much all the democratically-elected leaders in Central and South America, Morales' economic and social reforms were under constant attack by the US military and intelligence powers; only the most repressive, anti-democratic regimes like Bolsonaro get the support of the American CIA.  Some leaders like Jeremy Corbyn have stood up in defence of Morales and the Bolivian people, but reactionary anti-democratic and corporatist forces are almost impossible to defeat when they have the backing of the US hegemony.  This brutal military coup is the work of the US, and it will be a long time until the people of Bolivia can recover.  Every American should be ashamed and disgusted by the actions of the grotesque fascist cowards in control of the US.

Kshama Sawant Wins!

Well, that was fun.  Election night was a nightmare of reactionary shitheads crowing about Bezos defeating the socialist and decent folks sad about grotesque right-wing corporatists holding back progress, but folks who knew better were pretty confident Sawant was still the favorite.  And they were right.  Wicked cool stuff.  Billionaires lose, and everybody wins!  Heh, indeedy.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

Good News From Brazil: Lula Is Free And Glenn Greenwald Kicks Ass

Lula livre.  The Brazilian government finally released Lula from prison; this brings about the possibility of a return to progress in Brazil since Lula will not be cut off from the people and from their political movement.  And in other Brazil news, Glenn Greenwald got assaulted by a fascist nutjob on the radio, but the footage of the assault went viral and gave a huge signal-boost to the work Greenwald is doing against that creep Bolsonaro and his band of tawdry fascist thugs.  Lula's release and freedom constitute a Real Big Deal™ for politics in the Americas and around the world, and Glenn Greenwald getting some broad coverage is a nice bonus, too.  Moar!

Political Song for Kim Gordon to Sing

Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Hope That Fucking Doctor Has Been Lying To That Piece Of Shit T.I. All Along

What the actual fuck?  This T.I. shithead would make a fabulous Republican.  And that fucking doctor who was a party to this insanity better have been lying to that greasy cocksucker T.I. about all of this; if he actually checked out that girl under the hood because the little punk of a father told him to, well, he should get the same brutal beatdown that I pray to jesus fucking christ who loves us so fucking much is headed T.I.'s way this very second.  This whole story is beyond gross, and now that it is out there, I trust that the child welfare people will be treating T.I. the way the IRS did.

Le Tigre's 'I'm Withering' Song Is The Worst Thing Ever

Holy fucking shitballs on rye, this is the worst fucking artifact humanity has ever created.  Kathleen Hanna's greatest contribution only worthwhile contribution will probably turn out to be naming that Nirvana song--or looking like a nubile Jemina Pearl for Thurston's benefit in the "Bull in the Heather" video while the actual real live Jemina Pearl was only 7!  I'm sure Thurston appreciated that.

Can one wretched campaign song for Hillary Clinton destroy the legacy of Bikini Kill?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Now Let's Look In As Xeni Jardin, Former Girlfriend Of Chief Miles "Lefty" O'Brien, Morphs Into Her Final Form, A Corn Cob

Sad.  Hillary stans are the biggest idiots in the galaxy.  Something broke inside them after Hillary's sublime loss to Donald Trump.  Now, fatuous neolibs with made-up names like Xeni Jardin think Kamala Harris might be something, anything, other than a rock-ribbed reactionary petty-fascist careerist scumbag content to exploit the slave labor of prisoners and lock up parents because they are poor and therefore powerless.  Harris called herself a cop for christ's sake.  She's wicked gross.  And Harris is being bludgeoned in state after state, including California, because she's a fucking wicked unlikeable shithead.  But, yeah, Russians.  Russians did it.  Sure.  Fuck the KHive until the heat death of the universe.  They suck major ass.

Or Not

Donald Trump Cost That Weasel Cocksucker Matt Bevin Reelection In Kentucky--And Bitch McConnell's Chances Of Losing Next Year Went From Zero To Not Zero

Trump is wicked sick of all the winning!  Fucking Trump stayed away from Virginia because he's a pussy and didn't want to be associated with a humiliating loss, but he campaigned for Bevin in Kentucky 11 hours before the polls opened, and Bevin still lost!  What's left for Trump to lose?  Bevin is a real piece of shit, and his loss truly makes America greater again. 

The Dems have full control of Virginia now, too, and that means the ERA will probably finally be ratified.  Bed-wetting incel teabaggers are sick of too much winning as well.  This really can't get much funnier, but it sure as shit will next year after Bernie eviscerates Trump in state after state. 

The Turtle Bitch McConnell had better worried now, also.  With Bevin's hilariously humiliating defeat, McConnell should see that his chance of losing his seat just went from zero to something.  Titanically unpopular Kentucky Republicans are fully capable of losing in statewide races.  Bevin just proved that.  And things can get so much worse for McConnell over the next year.


Thanks, Trump.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Jesus Fucking Christ, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page Is The Stupidest Place On Earth

This insanity makes Sean Hannity look like Noam Chomsky.  The editorial board and commenters on this health care thing combine to redefine tertiary syphilis for the 21st century.  Warren's plan is hot garbage but none of those idiots understand why, and all of them seem to be living in some rancid Ayn Rand fever dream.  Every other civilized country has figured out how to spend half the money we do with near universal or universal coverage and much better health care outcomes at every age.  Conservatives are fucking literally insane, and the screaming fucktards on the right are the major reason why the US is so monumentally fucked.  Those idiots really believe that health care in Norway or Canada is somehow worse than in the US, despite reality being exactly the opposite.  By every metric, the teabagging racist fuckwits in the GOP are as wrong about health care as they are wrong about everything else.  Conservatism is a birth defect.  And Republicans are a cancer on the swollen bloody hemorrhoidal anus of America.

Things Are Looking Up For America Every Time The Pats Lose

Patriots lose and America wins.  In these dark times, anything that makes America greater again is welcome.  Boo fucking hoo.  NESN is a fucking joke, ad the fucking Patsies are the worst.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Beto O'Rourke Is Sick Of So Much Winning

Bye, Felicia.  The guy couldn't beat Ted Cruz, so he had no business running nationwide.  For every decent answer on guns or police violence, we all had to sit through a billion hours of hackneyed neoliberal horseshit.  Beto's only hope was to pivot to the Sanders positions on most major issues and hope Bernie would pick him for that VP spot.  He wasn't that smart, and now he's nothing.  I guess Beto won't be holding Leah McElrath or any other middle-aged lesbians down and making them cum till their calves cramp in 2020.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

Matt Bruenig Gets In A Wicked Fast Fisking Of Warren's M4A Payment Plan

Matt Bruenig's People's Policy Project publishes a timely and concise fisking of Warren's Medicare for All funding plan.  To be sure, Warren is positioning herself to abandon the idea of covering everyone with a single-payer system as soon as her ludicrous head-count funding scheme gets shredded from the right and the left.  But that's the feature, and not any kind of bug.

All of this is an excellent development for Bernie.  He can hammer his commitment to M4A, to a reasonable--and much simpler, more straightforward and understandable--payment scheme, and the joys of covering everyone while saving most people boatloads of money.  It's not hard: payroll taxes which amount to a huge savings when compared to private health insurance premiums are great for working people, and inane employer taxes which encourage employers to reclassify legions of workers as independent contractors or temporary workers nominally employed by small staffing agencies are dangerous stupid.  Bernie is now the only true universal coverage candidate.  (Warren is also positioning herself for nothing better than second spot with this failure.  That's a good thing.)