Sunday, May 29, 2022

Gods Dammit, Stop Voting For Fucking Dems

Dems are useless.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Let's Go Brandon




Trustfundbaby Failson And Harvard Fac Brat Josh Barrow Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

Nothing dumber than a rich guy at Harvard.

Except a fac brat at Harvard.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Jimmy Dore On The Free RePubic--Sad


And Dore is right there with them.

Plastic Time ATAC Pedals: Still The Best

Standing On Ukraine

All the best neolibs are standing on Ukraine.

All the bravest willing to fight the evil Russkies to the last Ukrainian.

Fuck yeah.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Towne Under

Gun Control Now

Gun Control Now

Tales From Your Failed State

It's all over but the suffering.

At least a shitload of innocent children will die during this final collapse of our society.

Thanks, Obmaa.

Let's Go Brandon

Fuck Joe Biden

Rapey Uncle Joe Is Doing The Worlst Possible Thing He Can On Student Debt--Far Worse Than Nothing At All

Never, EVER vote for Dems.

Jesus fucking christ.

Fuck Joe Biden.

As Long As You Assholes Keep Voting For Dems, The Pain, Suffering, Death, And Failure Will Continue

Reapey Uncle Joe is the fucking problem.

The rest of the Dems are also the problem.

Never, ever vote for Dems.



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Sung 2

Beto Does A Thing And Baggers Lose Their Shit--Why Don't More Dems Oppose The Conservative Scum This Way


Almost like the Dems and the GOP are on the same side.

But not Beto.

Not today at least.

O'Rourke mostly sucks, but he might be the best Dem out there right now after this shit.

One Reason So Much Star Trek Has Sucked: So Many Fans Are As Vapid And Talentless As Ronald D. Moore, Atmo

Bad News For Free RePubic Baggers: Trump/Duggar 2024 On Hold

That piece of shit is going to prison.


Josh Duggar is pretty much a Free RePubic poster child.

Trump/Duggar 2024 For The Children.

The USA Could Stop The Guntard Slaughter Today: Even The Limeys Figured It Out, But Our Society Lacks The Courage And The Intelligence

Dumber than fucking Limeys and Bogans.

That's fucking ssad.

Take the guns.

All of them.

And anyone who refuses gets a summary execution  on the spot.

America's Reactionary Guntard Slaughter Is A Choice We Make Because We Are The Dumbest Motherfuckers In History

Every other country has figured this out, but the USA is not up to it.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Remember When AOC Stepped Up To Keep Pelosi And Clyburn In Power?

Another seat lost because the squad were frauds all along.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Steve Albini Connectin'

Boris Johnson's Risible Incompetence And Grotesque Stupidity Are The Greatest Gifts The United Ireland Received

The inbred and syphilitic Tories gave away Ulster without ever seeing what was happening right in front of them.

Gods damn, it was a  thing of beauty.

Johnson makes Trump look sane.

Conservatism ia a mental defect.

Gods Damn, America Is Fucking Shithole

Failed state.

But holy motherfucking shit it's hilarious to watch all these randos getting shot to death every fucking day.



Connectin' You To Steve Albini

Albini is always good for a laugh.

And he hates all the proper people out there, so, yeah, he's cool.

You Know Who Sucks Ass? Reactionary Nitwit Jonathan Turley!

He's a blithering right-wing fuckface.

Who doesn't know how pregnancy works.

Or what abortions are.

Or anything.

Because he's a conservative.

And conservatism is a mental defect.

Looks Like Neolib Dems Are Getting An Early Start On Losing This Year

You really do love to see it.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Half Glass

Free RePubic Baggers Are So Much Fucking Dumber Than Dog Shit

It's sublime.

Yes, they're nasty, racist, reactionary, violent creeps, but gods damn, baggers are just too dumb to be real.

But they're real, so there's some hope for the future after all.

Not much hope, mind you...

Dean Baker Is V Mean To Crypto Bros

Like an Elon Musk stan, the crypto bro is the dumbest motherfucker on the gods damned planet.

Assholes gettin' what they deserve is the only thing making America greater again.

Trump Creates Losers

Praise be.

Without Trump, the GOP wold be an even more powerful force for evil in the world.  Thank jesus and all the other gods for sending Trump as a chaos agent to unman the Republicans.

Under his eye.

Slings & Narrow's

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Nick Bryant On Chapo

Fundie Christian Virgins Are Creepy And Dumb

These people are mental defectives.

Do what you want or don't, but if you think some fucking god is telling you not to fuck, you're a special kind of stupid

Christianity is sickening. 

I Heard From Dr. Jimmy Dore That Kids Don't Get COVID And It's Harmless If They Do

Who would you trust?

Dr. Jimmy Dore is America's most reputable medical resource.

Excellent Michael Hiltzik On Canceling Student Debt

Cancel the debt, all of it.  Now.

It's the only step that makes sense.

And if Biden won't do it, learn your fucking lesson: never, ever vote for Dems.

Connor Lamb, Yuge Loser

fuck you.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Nice t see a reactionary shithead lose.


Monday, May 16, 2022

Hate Sifter

Bagger Insanity Gives Me Hope That The Blessed Holy Bagger Remover Will Get Every Single One Of Those Stupid Cocksuckers Eventually

Praise be.

God damn, they're dumb as fuck.

And they're way too fucking stupid to save themselves, so a metric fuckton more of them will die thanks to the work of brave patriotic bagger remover.

And that fills my black heart with joy.




The United States Is Complicit In Every Israeli Atrocity

Israel is our rabid dog.

We should have put it down long ago.

It's been clear for three generations at least that Israel was nothing but a terrorist state.

Israel wouldn't last 20 seconds without America's support, so we should end that apartheid terror state once and for all.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Album Version

Tina Weymouth, Si

Pennsylucky Brings Out The Worst In Free RePubic Baggers

Thanks, Trump.

Bagger on bagger violence is my favorite thing.

Standing With Ukraine Is American Imperialism

Neolibs suck ass.

Ukraine is a shitshow and was before Russia turned the heat on the war.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Fuck Joe Biden Only Works If You Shit On Trump At Least As Much As Rapey Uncle Joe

Rapey Uncle Joe doesn't make conservatives better.

Or sane.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Don't vote for Dems, but that doesn't mean vote GOP.


With Banality Like This, It Doesn't Matter When You're Right, Atmo

Nothing Free RePubic Baggers Love More Than That Washed-Up Shovel-Faced Slattern Malaria Trump

Baggers love cheap whores.

Ya almost feel bad that greasy skank had to settle for the gross lardy old Trump.


The Dems, Rapey Uncle Joe, Student Debt, All Of It, This Is Literally Obama's America

Obama did this.  He created it.  But he didn't have to.  He could have said no to his masters.  But that would have been the first time, so...

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Like Iraq

Saturday, May 14, 2022

You Don't Need To Be Chairman Mao To See That The Abbott Corporation Should Be Seized, Nationalized, And The Executives Shipped To A Black Site In The Indian Ocean

If you don't agree, fuck off and die.

Baby formula is a monopoly AND the biggest customer is state governments.  This should be a non-profit, publicly--owned business.

Insulin, too.

Thank Christ For Our FreeDUMB

Without guns America would not be such a horrible place, so thank jesus that our guntard lunatics work so hard to keep America a fucking shithole.


In Case You Never Noticed, Larry O'Donnell Has Always Been An Airhead

And the GOP were unhinged hard-right bastards far longer than Trump has been around.

Trump's just a grosser Republican.

Bagger cocksuckers are nothing new.

If You Voted For Rapey Uncle Joe, You're Dumber Than The Most Inbred Racist Bagger

You let a senile old man lie to you.

You believed him.

And now you're getting exactly what you deserve.

As a bonus, the GOP will be in complete control of the US forever.

You sick fucking retards.

Complete gutless assholes.

Selfish reactionary simpletons.

Thanks, Obama.

This Is Top Flight Bone Dry Performance Comedy

Who Could Have Known That The Bagger Remover Would Fail To Follow Orders

WTF jesus.

Killing baggers is a holy mission.

This is not.


The Day Is Here When Donald Trump Is The Sanest Bagger Left On Earth

And Trump is fucking nuts.

And dumber than dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

But the Dems can't beat these fuckers.

5 Hundred Yrs.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Orphan Blak

There's No Doubt That Conservatism Is A Mental Defect And That National Review Is Creepy Naked Young Man Propaganda

These fucking reactionary retards never had a thought in their lives.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

William F. Buckley was a sad old closet case.

Failed State: The Dems Surrended America To The Reactionary Lunatics

Jim Clyburn Is The Most Corrupt Scumbag In The United States Congress

Cluburn is more toxic and corrupt than any dozen baggers.

Jim Clyburn has done more to bring America down than Rapey Uncle Joe or Joe Manchin or Donald Trump.

Connecticut's Chris Murphy Is An Asshole And Most Certainly A Liar

There's no way this fuckface has student loan debt.

He's 48 fucking years old and went to Williams and then UConn Law School.

What debt?

His father was a rich lawyer who went to Williams but NOT UConn Law, so we can assume Chris Murphy is a dipshit who had low grades in college.

And now he's out shit-talking debt forgiveness even though it is SOMETHING THE PRESIDENT CAN DO and blabbering about college costs WHERE THE PRESIDENT HAS NO POWER.

What an asshole

America Is A Failed State And Abortion Is Just The Next Failure

How long will American women allow this to happen to them?

What will they do?

Healthcare is a human right and abortion and contraception are major parts of healthcare.

Any Decent Dem Interested In Dem Victory Would Eliminate Student Debt And Let The GOP Demonize Helping So Many Americans

That would be a winner for all Dems, but Rapey Uncle Joe is not interested in that shit.

For the love of christ, never, ever vote for Dems.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Sinn Fein Is Going To Get It Done In Ireland

The DUP are the baggers of Breat Britain, and their intransigent stupidity is going to speed the coming unification.




Victory Day

When it mattered most, the Soviets were there.

Without them, well, you get Fatherland.

To Victory.

Also Note That Free RePubic Baggers And Jimmy Dore Are The Same Special Kind Of Stupid

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

And so is Jimmy Dore.

Anybody with a functioning brain would know that all infections can potentially cause cardiac issues including inflammation AND that vaccines can cause inflammatory reactions as well.

The baggers don't know almost every single one of these heart symptoms from the coronavirus vaccine resolved themselves with 24 hours WITHOUT any medical intervention.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Once Again, Note That The Dems Are Loyal Junior Parteners To The Conservative Agenda

The GOP sets the agenda, and the Dems follow.  It's always been this way.  At least since Ike.  Really got rolling with the arch-conservative Carter and never stopped accelerating.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Louise Linton Go On Red Letter Media

No Matter Your Age, Obama Is The Worst President In Your Lifetime

The man was pure, hard-right evil.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Never, ever vote for Dems.

Sunday, May 8, 2022


The Jokes They

Steve Schmidt Is A Disgusting Reactionary Shithead And Corrupt Liar, But Holy Shit Does He Hate Meghan McCain

Bagger on bagger violence is the bestest thing ever.

Schmidt and McCain deserve each other.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Tell Me You Have No Expereince With Elite Instituions By Tellling Me You Believe Three Words

Fatuous Reactionary Halfwit JD Mullane Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Mullane doesn't know what student loans are, how they work, who gets those loans, or what the effects of loan forgiveness would be.

In other words, he's a conservative, so that means he's a fucking idiot.

Time to end conservatism in this country forever.

It's Still 1989

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Nick Fuentes Is Very Proud To A Proud Boy, America's Premier Nazi Homosexual Men's Club

He's never fucked a woman, but Nick Fuentes has a MANDATE.

Every day of the week.

Heh, mandate.

He's a gay.

This May All End In Tears, But Mostly Nobody Will Care

This is certainly what most of us deserve.

We will not be missed.

But we will destroy anything left on the way out.

Under his eye.

Believe Baggers Like Paul Joseph Watson When They Tell You Who They Are

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

End Nazis.

PayPal Is Just Another Bank, So It's Part Of The Goverment As Much As Citigroup Or Goldman Sachs

In failed states, the elite are the government and the business interests and financial sector all at once.  no freedom or place for anyone else.  It's commonly called fascism.

Fascist states are always failed states.

Capitalism always ends as fascism.

Dangerous but failed and dying.

Thanks, Obama.

Jim Clyburn, Corrupt Uncle Tom Shithead, Reminds You Thots To Never, Ever Vote For Dems

The Dems are more vile than the GOP.

At least the GOP can further their agenda.

Oh, wait, the Dems ARE furthering their agenda.

Never mind.

But also never, ever vote for Dems.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Hard Rode

TWIV, The Jimmy Dore Is An Asshole Show

Conservatism Is A Mental Defect: Nicole Russell Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

This fucking assclown doesn't know how inflation works.

Or college works.

Or anything.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Don't Forget To Smash The Machine

Smash The Machine

Crush the bosses.

Stand up for yourselves and your brothers and sisters.

Join the union.

The Rode To No Where

The decay of the empire is a dangerous process.

Let's pray to jesus that bad guys get at least a bit of what they deserve.

Ben Shapjro DESTROYED By Guy With Accent

May Day 2022

May Day.

Stand up for your rights.

And never, ever vote for Dems.

Daze B Tween