Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Bagger On Bagger Violence At The Bagger Riot Meeting Makes Free RePubic Baggers Cry

You really do love to see it.

Baggers shitheads like Cheney and Simpson shitting all over magabaggers give jesus a raging boner.

Heh, indeedy.

Be Like Becky--And If Sports Can't Be Inclusive Of Transgender Folks, Get Rid Of 'Em

Fuck boys sports and girls sports.  If they're gonna exclude some kids because they're ignorant bigots, just eliminate the whole shitshow.

Put the money into buying lab supplies and hiring more teachers at better pay.


If having sports and shit in school and in the Olympics and pro leagues, is important, then be inclusive.  Trans boys on the boys teams and trans girls on the girls teams.

If baggers and other shabby bigots can't deal with it, fuck them in their eye holes with flaming ginger dildos.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Goin' Girl

Monday, June 27, 2022

The Next One Of These Risible 'Vaccine Injury' Stories That Is True Will Be The First One

McCullough, Malone, Dore, RFK, all the dopes telling these stories are lying about every one.

Not a single one of these stories has held up.

There's no fucking way this rando's "medical team" confirmed his heart issues were caused by a coronavirus vaccine.  This is not how vaccines work.  This guy is most likely simply lying, OR he had a previously-diagnosed heart condition that would have made him ineligible for the shot in the first place.

It's all bullshit.

If you are a bagger, a libertarian, a Qtard, a Republican, a racist, a Proud Boy, a cop, a conservative of any kind and you are unvaccinated, you are truly doing the lords' work in helping the blessed holy bagger remover kill you, and that's the best thing you can do to make America greater again.

Praise be.

Freedom FROM Religion Is More Important Than Freedom OF Religion And Conservatism Is A Mental Defect

Any religious person is a simpleton who should not be taken seriously on any topic.

Whether they are a coach, a judge, or a politician.

It is long past time for free people to remove the influence of inane mythology from our culture and society.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Under his eye.

Mr. Lu Knee With PiL In Your Friend's Basement A Couple Of Weeks Ago

Friday, June 24, 2022

Jessica Valenti And The Rest Of The Stillwithhering Hildos And KHive Scum And Neolib Shitheads Are About To Get Some Of What They Deserve

Not all, but some.

These miserable neolib simpletons backed the candidate who picked a disgusting anti-choice reactionary zealot as VP instead of the candidate who had been avowedly and unwaveringly pro-choice for his entire political career, never having been a Goldwater Girl or anything.

Valenti and the rest of nasty cabal of rock-ribbed assholes deserve everything they get, but, unfortunately, the rest of the people are about to get skullfucked, too.

Nice job, Jess.

That Sound You Hear Is The Crumbling Of The Failed State (With Bonus Jimmy Dore Fisking)

Failure is accelerating now.


The foundation is collapsing all around you while you do nothing.

You can't do anything.


Take comfort, it won't be much longer now.

You won't have to live with your failure anymore.

Straker Ain't Playin'

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Gustavo Petro! And Even Better, The Baggers Are Scared Shitless Of Him!

Heh, indeedy.

Petro seems fine, and he's way better than right-wing cocksucker he was running against.

But the best part is not that the people will be better off and prosperity will benefit way more of the population.  The best part is that weak little Free RePubic baggers are scared shitless of him.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Put Megan Rapinoe In Charge Of International Athletics--She Gets It, Atmo

Sure as shit Rapinoe should be in charge of FINA.

She gets it right: trans exclusion is cruelty.

Trans women and trans girls are not harming sports or competition, but excluding them is an act of cruelty.

Bigotry is never right or just.

And it's the most cowardly form of bigotry imaginable. 

TERFs are way worse than asshole cancer.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


The Beautiful Brave Bagger Remover Continues To Be The Greatest Gift America Has Ever Received From Jesus

And that holy bagger remover has not been working alone.

Reading all the comments from utter stupid fucking assholes fills me with such joy because I know that many of them will suffer and die simply because they are reactionary morons.

Fewer baggers, better America

Praise be.

Shovel-Faced Reactionary Airhead Lauren Boebert Has Been A VERY NAUGHTY Girl


Extremely hard to believe anybody would be hard up enough to pay for that ugly skank, tho.

She's a mutt.

Trump would.


Prob any of his kids, too.

So there's that.

Herschel Walker: What A Bastard('s Father)

Heh, indeedy.

What a fucking scumbag.

You're looking at our next Vice President. 

Praise be.

Reactionary Hack Nellie Bowles Will Definitely See You Next Tuesday

What a rancid cunt.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Music For Peoples

If You Were Born In 1978 And Were Fans Of Husker Du And The Replacements, You're Really Old

Jeez, Beta MTB Didn't Last Too Long...

Glad Mike Ferrentino jumped ship while he could.

Pinkbike's next, atmo...

TERFs, Bigots, And Baggers Are All Child Abusers And I Hate Them

It's time t end the scourge of conservative ignorance and hatred once and for all.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

If one person is not free, no one is free.

Abusing trans kids is child abuse.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Tell Me You're A Super Horny And Frustrated Self-Hating Closet Case Without...

The Free RePubic baggers loves them the gay sauce.

But they hate themselves for being such rampant cock mongers.


thanks, Trump.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Outa Kims

The Heritage Foundation, All The Dumbest Reactionary Simpletons, Vacuous Pissboys, And D-LIst Bootlickers All In One Disgusting Cesspool

The Heritage Foundation is about as useful as a garbage bag full of bloody stool and rancid puss made into a waffle topping..

Calling them dumber than dog shit is an insult to dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Eliminate student loan debt now.

If the HF and the conservatives hate it, that means it's completely the right thing to do.

Don't Vote Blue, No Matter Who

The Dems are a cesspool of reactionary racism, greed, and corruption

Don't vote for baggers, either.

Talentless Hack Ronald D. Moore Did To Televised Science Fiction Everything That Oprah Winfrey Did To American Society

Trite, useless, inane horseshit burying any hope of beauty or meaning.

Ronald D. Moore's Manimal.

Coming soon.

Update: utter drivel.  

This is Nerd Crew-level hackneyed twaddle.


Pro Tip: Never Trust The Cops

All cops are bastards.

They kill.

They lie.

About everything.

Fuck 'em.

The 1312 Project.

Holy Shit, The Free RePubic Baggers Really Are Unbellievably Dumb--They Believe That The Shroud Of Turin Is Genuine

Like that's fucking wicked retarded.

Anybody who believes in gods is a fucking simpleton, but what the actual fuck.

Baggers truly are dumber than dog shit.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Christianity is stupid.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

At Home With J, Lou, And Murph Of Sebadoh, Jr.

The Beautiful Brave Patriotic Bagger Remover Has Never Stopped Removing Baggers And Working To Make America Greater Again

More dead baggers, more better America.

The holy bagger remover is the greatest gift jesus ever gave the world.

Thanks, Trump!

Baggers Shoot Themselves In Their Dicks In Idaho


Idaho sure seems nice.

These rocket surgeons truly are the best and brightest the white race has to offer.

Thanks, Trump.

Oprah Winfrey Is One Of The Most Dangerously Stupid And Insanely Evil People Who Ever Lived

Few villains more grotesque than Oprah.

She's done so much to destroy American society while enriching herself beyond measure.

A truly vile human being.

TWIV: Jimmy Dore Sucks Moby's Dick

American Democracy And The Light Of Freedom Were Preserved Because Trump Was Too Fucking Fat And Sickly To Walk To His Coup

Heh, inedeedy.

If Trump had been a healthy man, he'd be President For Life today.


Thanks, McDonald's.

The Washington Post, Clueless Dipshits

Bezos made that paper way dumber.

Jfc they're dumber than dog shit.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Zowwy No

Bakari Sellers Is A Yuge Corrupt Reacionary Piece Of Shit

Black neolibs in South Carolina are the most horrible and corrupt people on the fucking planet.

Calling them Toms is an insult to Uncle Tom.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

I stand with Palestine against the racist apartheid state of Israel.

Our Failed State Will Be The End Of Everything, Eventually

We'll take the rest of the world with us, one way or another.

Probably a world-wide nuclear conflagration.

Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

Even Limeys Get It: Gun Control Now

Fewer Guns, Fewer Deaths, So Just Take ALL The Damn Guns And Solve This Problem Like Every Other Country On Earth

Guns and guntards are incompatible with a civilized society.

And armed culture is a mentally defective culture.

Take all the fucking guns from all the fucking violent racist reactionary morons.

Including cops.

Everyone with half a brain understands this:

Gun Control Now.

In A Nutshell, Even The Poles Are Fisking The Kraut Neolibs--Sad

Carla Sands: Conservatism Is A Mental Defect

Yuge fuckin' retard.

Only the best people for Trump.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

Joody Froots

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Excellent Fisking Of The New York Times Manufacturing Consent For The Fascists

Americans are the most propagandized people on Earth.

Don't give any of your money to that fucking paper.

Discount Weird Al Knows Christianity Is Stupid

Rebecca Traister And The Rest Of The PUMAs, StillWithering Hildos, Obama Fluffers, KHive Morons, Rapey Uncle Joe Stans, Nitwits, Neolibs, Half-Wits, Shitlibs, Establishment Dems Are All Getting Exactly What They Deserve

We are all living in the hell created by fatuous simpletons like Rebecca Traister.

They deserve it but the rest of us do not.

Those fucking clowns refused to back the more popular candidate EVEN THO THAT CANDIDATE WAS A STRONG BELIEVER IN ALL THE THINGS TRAISTER AND THAT BAND OF IDIOTS CLAIM TO CARE ABOUT, and now we're all about to witness the terrifying world made by reactionary white women and corrupt hard-right Democrats.

Enjoy it, you fucking assholes.

Are Robert Smith And James May The Same Person?

I Seem To Remember The Most Popular Politician In The US Saying Something About Raising Social Security Benefits During The 2016 & 2020 Campaigns

Weird how that candidate was the clear favorite in both elections but somehow another Dem candidate managed to win the delegate votes.

Fucked up how that happened.


Especially when that candidate was the one candidate running on many of the most popular issues in American politics.

But, yeah, raise SS.

The Power Of Christ Compels You Never Ever Vote For Dems

Dems are not better than Republicans when they ARE Republicans.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

8675309 Genny

Yahoo's Rick Newman Is Pretty Much An Ambulatory Stool Sample At This Point

You might think there's no way Rick Newman can be this fucking dumb, but never forget: conservatism is a mental defect.

Rick Newman makes even the most beta pissboys look bad.


'Centrists" Are Actually Hard-Right Idealogues

Sr. Atrios gets it, atmo.

There's no left anywhere in the media or political establishment  professional class.

What the baggers call communists are really center-right.

Florida Has Done More To Kill Baggers Than Anyone Could Have Hoped

So many conservatives would be alive today, escaping the grasp of the beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover, if not for all Florida and Ron DeSantis have done.

Truly a manifestation of christ's love.

Praise be.

Monday, June 6, 2022


Another Great Lyndsey Parker, This Time Fanny

Rock AND Roll.

So many great acts in the rock and roll circus.


Dave Weigel, Libertarian Boy, Learns To Never Tweet

Never retweet, either.


Libertarian boys cannot catch a break.

Pro war libertarian boys are fine, tho.

Keep In Mind That The Dems Cannot Find ANY Way To Defeat This Party In November

It's almost like they're on the same side.

Rapey Uncle Joe is a racist motherfucker.

Both parties support the same white nationalist principles.


Failed State And Empire In Decline

Double the funfetti.

Thank christ the American experiment is about dead.

Unfortunately for everyone else, we're fixin' to take all those sorry motherfuckers with us...

Masks Work, And The 'Alt Left' Dummies Who Sided With Peter Thiel And His Racist Reactionary Nitwit Army Must Never Be Forgiven

Masks work.

If you side with the conservatives against science you are always wrong.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Jimmy Dore and the rest are fucking shitheads.

Sunday, June 5, 2022


TWIV: Dr Jimmy & Mr Dore

For Fuck's Sake, Don't Give Any Money To The New York Times


That paper is a shitshow.

Don't be a fucking moron.

Pro Tip For Leonard Pitts Jr: The GOP Was Always A Party Of Unhinged Violent Racist Reactionary Simpletons

Trump was the same as Reagan as Bush as Romney as McCain as all of them.

conservatism IS a mental defect.

Baggers ARE dumber than dog shit.


Rapey Uncle Joe Is A Vile Racist Conservative Dipshit--LETS GO BRANDON

Disgusting senile old man.

A way worse president than Trump.

Fuck Joe Biden

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Sat The 14th



It's Not The End Of The Local Bike Shop, It's The End Of The Bicycle

Speshy and Trek and the rest of the nimrods don't know it, but they're destroying their entire industry.

Soon there won't be any high-end bikes for consumers, only electric motorcycles in place of mountain bikes and electric mopeds in place of pavement bikes, branded with well-known motorcycle and scooter names.

Most of these things will be the cheapest, most disposable Chinese garbage that is not worth repairing or upgrading.

A few famous bike brand names may live on but the companies will be long dead.

Friday, June 3, 2022


Chris Jacobs Knows What It's Like To Be Dumber Than Dog Shit


Thanks christ.

They're gonna keep killing each other with their ghey little guns.

Praise be.

This Is What A Failed State Looks Like

Every day is worse.

And it will never get better.

The USA is a failed state.

Pro Tip: Florida Is The REAL Special State

Shame on the Special Olympics for doing anything in Florida.

Baggers are dumber than dog shit.

And now lots of folks will get sick.

Conservatism is a mental defect.

Baggers Eat Their Own

Heh, indeedy.

It's so nice to watch the baggers fight amongst themselves, too demented to see that they're all vile scum and dumber than dog shit.