Thursday, January 31, 2013
Reading Virag On MOTR Is Like Seeing Into The Future
It's not just Zathras turning the Serotta company around. It's important shit, too. Last year, I talked about how much of a disaster a pick like Paul Ryan would be for Mitt Romney. "Can you imagine Paul Ryan up there on the big stage being savaged by the Obama campaign?" Heh, indeedy. Paul Ryan was brutalized and didn't even deliver his home state. Around the same time, I was also on about regressive taxation and regressive Republican policies harming the working class and benefitting the top 1%. A year later, the reactionary douchebags are in attack mode, and our friend Paul Krugman is all over it. Psychic, I'm telling you, I got a fucking gift.
Did Sex Tourist Rush Limbaugh Go On The Trip With Bob Menendez?
The dipshits are all aflutter over Bob Menendez, but I can't help but wonder if it was Rush Limbaugh who may have turned various folks like Menendez onto the hot and sweaty Dominican sex tourism? Limbaugh is a well-known impotent whore monger and fan of underage foreign boys, so it would be imprudent to not consider the homosexual pervert Limbaugh's role in all this.
Mark Weisbrot On Venezuela And Hugo Chavez, Again
Once again, we have Mark Weisbrot shining a little bit of the light of truth onto the reality of the United States' and the West's relationship with Chavez's Venezuela. There's nothing god's chosen people hate more than leaders of shitty little countries who do their best to help their poorest citizens instead of enriching multinational oil companies. Poverty and suffering are lower in Venezuela under Chavez. How's the poverty and suffering situation in the United States? Catastrophic unemployment, a growing healthcare crisis, and the Dow at an all-time high. It's easy to see why the establishment hates men like Chavez.
Headlines From The Future: Gayle Trotter Shot To Death In Her Sleep
How will vile guntard Gayle Trotter meet her end? Given her particular perversions, there's a decent chance she'll be shot in her sleep by one of her kids. That would suck. For her. Or maybe she'll be shot by her spouse. Or maybe she'll kill herself with one of her guns. It's all good. It's how guntards die.
One Year Ago Today
fuck the komen foundation and no more chris king pink
this also means that no right-thinking, good-hearted american cyclist should ever buy another chris king product, pink or not, until the king company denounces the disgusting komen foundation and discontinues the pretty and strong donations. king should either stop making the pink stuff or change the program to give the charitable donations to planned parenthood. that would be making a real difference in women's lives.
allen west, coward, again
yahoo news is as dumb as a rock
david pennock is fucking moron. mittens is going to pick tom coburn. coburn is a christian, while romney is not. he is southern, sorta, and he is a senator. marco rubio is too young, too much of a liar, and far too ethnic to appeal to the racist wing of the modern republican party, especially since romney himself is already part of a hated minority. romney needs: white; christian; conservative; southern; experience; senator, since none of the house members have the stick to play in the big leagues of presidential politics. (can you imagine eric cantor or paul ryan up there on the big stage being savaged by the obama campaign?) coburn fits these criteria best.
newt gingrich is not going to be the nominee, and none of the candidates would ever pick rubio.
tom coburn is the next veep, or mittens is a guaranteed loser. yahoo fucking blows.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Deval Patrick: Affirmative Action For Patronage And Incompetence
Today, Governal Deval Patrick struck a blow for teabagger-style stunt appointments and all-American slimy political patronage when he tapped his former Chief of Staff (and one of his biggest ass-kissers) as the junior Senator from Massachusetts. Much like Nikki Haley, Patrick appointed an African-American to the Senate, and I'm sure that he had the full approval of President Obama. Very new, very inexperienced, and very short-term Senator Cowan is not exactly a seasoned political figure with an agenda to do anything other than follow orders from the Governor and quite probably the President. Barney Frank on the other hand, would not have had to follow anyone's orders and certainly had the legislative experience and understanding of Washington business that could have very easily become problematic for President Obama during one of the President's attempts to further the Republican agenda with regards to Social Security or health care. The last thing Patrick wanted to do was put the best person into the Senate when he could put a useless surrogate there instead. The President wins because he gets a compliant and ineffectual black Senator to counteract Senator Token from South Carolina and keeps a brilliant, fairly liberal legislator out of the Senate. Let's hope that those activist, leftish Democrats out there who care about health care and Social Security and poverty remember this bullshit stunt and do their damnedest to make sure that this scumbag Deval Patrick has his future political aspirations wrecked over it.
Gomer Pyle Makes The Haters Cry
Favorite son of Mayberry and all-American hero Gomer Pyle Jim Nabors made it legal in Seattle, exercising his gods-given human rights and giving asshole bigots another reason to cry. Congrats to Mr. Nabors and his partner spouse; they just made America a little bit better.
One Year Ago Today
who owns yeti cycles?
i'd think about a custom or semi-custom arc or arc 29er if they were available, though, assuming they were really made in colorado somewhere, even if that somewhere isn't durango anymore--and assuming you could get the solid turquoise or turquoise and yellow classic paint.
idiots at work: asshole republicans punishing the 99% with regressive taxation
the further your story is from the truth
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Andrew Sullivan & Kirsten Powers: A Couple Of Real Rocket Scientists
If Andrew Sullivan shares Kirsten Powers's loathing of something, I would take that as pretty wonderful endorsement of its virtue. David Brock is right about delegitimizing Fox News, and if Sullivan seriously believes that a sad sack organization like MSNBC is somehow a Fox for the 'left', he's a fuckhead. But then again, Sullivan is a fuckhead. At this point, he's pretty much a litmus test for assholes; if you pay any attention to him, you're an asshole.
(via, but I'm not sure why, exactly.)
(via, but I'm not sure why, exactly.)
George W. Obama Sez: Science Hates America
This is some fucked up shit, and unfortunately, it is not an isolated case. For all his lofty rhetoric and gratuitous speechifying, Obama has zealously embraced much of the most oppressive--and illegal--policies of the Bush/Cheney administration. Whether it is drones or extrajudicial murder or indefinite detention or criminalizing science, Obama is a big believer in and protector of our glorious American Empire.
Being Inhuman: Jan And Rexella
Sweet Jesus, I caught a clip of Jan Brewer on the tee vee earlier, and all I could see was Rexella Van Impe! How is it that out of hundreds of millions of people, two of the scariest fucking assholes are apparently defective clones of the dumbest human who ever lived.
One Year Ago Today
knolly delirium
if we ignore andrew sullivan, he will go away
tom brokaw has a sad
david gregory is a piece of shit
serial fornicators for gingrich!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Virag's Movie Reviews: Prometheus (2012)
Prometheus is the blueprint for a letdown. Ridley Scott certainly had all the resources he needed to make his movie, so the idiocy of the enterprise can't be blamed on a lack of time or money. Clearly, Scott had no fucking clue what his movie was supposed to be about. Hiring a talentless hack tee vee writer, to rewrite a script penned by an even shittier writer, was probably not a good decision in the long run. Seriously, he had a script by Jon Spaihts and then hired Damon Lindelof to rewrite it. What kind of asshole does that? Lindelof has a long and shameful history of addled, moosecock-level suckitude, and since Scott himself had no idea what the fucking story was supposed to be, that meant two blind dipshits were driving their film right into the fucking lake from the very beginning. What is the excuse? Besides the fact that both Scott and Lindelof are both way overrated and obviously not that creative or bright, the film was probably doomed when nobody involved could decide whether it really was an Alien prequel or not, so they went ahead without any sense of goal or clarity. The whole movie is as dumb as a post. Whether it's Alien or not, it doesn't make any sense. How far away is this planet they go to? It only takes what two, three years to get there? That ship is traveling really fucking fast, impossibly fast. Where's the fuel? It's a small ship, so how does it manage the fuel for that trip? Would such astounding fast space travel be possible in only 50 or 60 years? The fact that the film doesn't even consider it tells you that the filmmakers haven't thought anything through. The evolutionary biology also makes no sense. When did the Engineers do their work? Before life evolved on Earth? If so, the whole DNA plot device, the entire concept of the Engineers being the gods of human creation, is totally asinine. So far, the basic story has fucked up everything. The movie was too long and draggy, but they still managed to leave out most of the characterization. Why exactly are the captain and crew suddenly heroic when they've been passively useless up until that point? Why would you send a crew out into space who seem to be wildly incompetent? Wouldn't this have been a great opportunity for a scientist on the future Earth in this movie? The scientists are dummies, almost like they were the only ones stupid enough to join that chickenshit mission. Buffoonery by the purported scientists is one of the most glaring atrocities in this flick. The android is also unbelievably advanced, ridiculously so with the film set only a few decades in the future, but he is clearly capable of running the whole mission himself, so why send people at all, especially ones who are so blindingly ignorant? This movie just sucked. The casting was uninspired at best; the decent actors were wasted, and the leads mostly invisible. Why cast Shotgun Ed as an old man and put makeup on him that would be unintentionally funny even if the character was supposed to be 900 years old. At least the Alien Vs. Predator folks had the good sense to cast Lance Henriksen in their film; if Ridley Scott was blessed with at least that same amount of sense, Prometheus would have been orders of magnitude more watchable. Shotgun Ed, no; Lance Henriksen, yes--Weyland should have been Lance Henriksen. Overall, the plot was unintelligible, and the story was inane. The only thing that you can be sure of after seeing Prometheus is that Ridley Scott didn't understand Blade Runner either, which is why so many versions of that film existed before it was considered a landmark. He clearly got lucky once, with a compelling look and dystopic atmosphere of the decaying future and inspired work by his cast, especially Rutger Hauer, making Blade Runner a film better than its director. This time, though, Scott is not so lucky, and his lack of comprehension turns Prometheus into an expensive, annoying failure, while his paucity of vision dooms Prometheus to insignificance, an opportunity lost, like tears in the rain.
Turning Little Liars Into Heroes And The Zero Dark Thirty Backlash
I heartily endorse the growing backlash against the CIA propaganda film, Zero Dark Thirty. It gives me a special feeling to see that some leftish folks out there are taking on Hollywood's rock-ribbed establishment conservatism with informed critique and film criticism, by calling out some befuddled apologists, and by unpacking the connection between embedded 'journalists' and imperial atrocities. The military and the CIA are extremely pleased when their completely one-sided narratives are internalized by writers and film directors who either knowingly or unknowingly further the imperial policies. When torture and murder are presented as heroic, everyone loses. It's no accident that the filmmakers were given special access to the CIA and CIA sources; the goal of the agency and the government was to normalize criminal activity for the audience. You are not going to see any decent writers or directors get that special access. You have to pledge your fealty and be a sufficiently enthusiastic boot-licker in order to get to make a film like Zero Dark Thirty, and it is awesome to see some of our brothers and sisters pushing back.
David Mamet: Performance Art Or Frothing Insanity?
This ravaging inanity by David Mamet has to be read to be believed. In fact, I almost don't believe it. If Mamet did not have a long, ignominious history as a raving neocon lunatic, this column would really be unbelievable. Mamet is a writer of ever-declining skills and relevance, but he should at least have a passing acquaintance with both reading comprehension and basic history. Like most guntard assholes, Mamet clearly fails at basic reading comprehension, missing the salient points of the Second Amendment, possibly willfully missing them or possibly missing them because he's a fucking idiot. And his complete lack of historical context borders on hilarious. Mamet is a joke, a sad, frowsy joke.
One Year Ago Today
2012 intense uzzi
virag's movie reviews: hall pass (2011)
grease bomb
weigle road
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Rivendell All-Rounder
This is a nice Rivendell All-Rounder frame as seen on the Reno Rambler blog. The All-Rounder frame, along with the later production Atlantis frame, was the best thing Rivendell ever did. The design was/is pretty much perfect, far above the XO-1 from Bridgestone, and of course the construction and materials blew away any Japanese production bike. Unlike the Rivendell road frames, which fell short of being pure, classic road racing style frames, the way the RB-1 was, the All-Rounder and Atlantis designs were probably the best ever for their intended uses. This particular All-Rounder is nicely done, with a classic color and component choices.
One Year Ago Today
della santa nervex
biddy the clap
another sherlock moment
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Virag's Movie Reviews: Total Recall (2012)
Not really a remake, and not really a movie properly based on the original short story, with a screenplay co-written by the writer (and director) of one of the one of the worst movies ever made, Total Recall is an inane, joyless mess that makes the 1990 film look like Dr. Strangelove in comparison. With a cast chock full of two-dimensional actors--Kate Beckinsale is especially atrocious here, and if possible, worse than usual--saddled with a zero-dimensional script, the film does nothing other than annoy the viewer by forcing them to fondly recall the genius that Ronny Cox, Rachel Ticotin, and the always-watchable Michael Ironside displayed in the original. Why the fuck would you take the Mars part out? That was the best thing about the original story. Nobody associated with this production had the slightest idea what they were doing or what the movie was supposed to be about. The film has the Canadian-cheapy look to it, like an episode of Stargate SG-1 or Copper. Except of course, those tee vee shows are at least somewhat entertaining. Terrible, shitty, loathsome. Nothing in the film is good: the direction is incompetent; the script is idiotic; the casting's a crime; and the acting is unbearable. PG-Fucking-13. For what it's worth, the original film, with an actual actor in the lead, and a refined, PKDian script, could be really awesome.
Planet Palin
Fox News has better idiots to waste Murdoch's money on. When they decided she wasn't worth a million a year, she decided to go back to Planet Palin, the land of meth heads and hockey bastards.
One Year Ago Today
fisking iran
fisk makes a useful point not
no shit, sherlock
of course these companies are fucking scumbags, but it is mostly the fault of the american government and its trade and labor polices. the question from obama about how we get ipads and macbooks made in america is a good one, but ultimately obama and the government are the only ones who can answer that question. if obama wants that shit made here, he would need to pursue policies that punished imports from slave-labor sources and rewarded production in the united states and other high-wage, high-quality countries. taxes, tariffs and other government incentives are very powerful tools. as it stands now, all of the benefits of government policies go to companies that utilize third-world labor and ship jobs overseas because these companies essentially are the government and rig the welfare state for their own benefit, so it once again obama was full of shit and grandstanding for a cheap soundbite.
virag's movie reviews: rise of the planet of the apes (2011)
what's the only thing different about obama?
Friday, January 25, 2013
D.C. Circuit And Harry Reid Are On The Same Team
Charles Pierce loses the story when he gets all bent over the reactionary douchebags on the D.C. Circuit Court and their asinine ruling over recess appointments. Pierce goes all turbo-fluffer to disparage any perfectly reasonable sort who mentions that their isn't all that much difference between the parties in Washington. I understand his desire and his contention, but a day after the Senate aristocrat Harry Reid--purportedly the most partisan Democrat out there--revealed his true motivations and political proclivities in siding with Republicans over the filibuster, it is especially ludicrous to pretend that Democrats are so very, very importantly different than the reactionary fucktard Republican. Yes, the D.C. Circuit's ruling was laughable, and the three judges on the panel were especially flagrant idiots appointed by the two worst Presidents in American history, but Democrats in Washington have had opportunity after opportunity to oppose substantively the radical Republican agenda for two generations and have chosen not to do so each time. Why is that, exactly?
Dipshit Of The Day
Yes, I know it is not nice to make fun of fucking retards, but this ignorant anti-science retard is probably only just as stupid as some of the dopes writing comments on the thing. I mean, jesus, it is the 21st fucking century, and we are still backward ass shit-flinging monkeys.
One Year Ago Today
over oversized lugs and a sax max max zank
virag's movie reviews: horrible bosses (2011)
custom carbon-ti is hard to do, too, obviously
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Labor Organizing In Canada
This is something else the gods-damned Canadians do better than Americans do. First, they kick our ass on health care, and standard of living, all that other shit, and now someone has to go and point out that they kick our ass on labor rights, too. Fuckers. Blame Canada.
Just How Badly Will A New Star Wars Movie Suck?
Worse than you can probably imagine. He killed Star Trek and now JJ Abrams will be the worst director to make a Star Wars movie. At least George Lucas will look much better in comparison, and The Phantom Menace will probably be retconned into a classic. I guess the best we can hope for is Paul Giamatti in it so it might actually be the worst movie of all time.
Harry Reid And Your One-Party State In Action
Harry Reid did not reform the filibuster. He failed to change the Senate in order to disrupt right-wing obstruction. Why? Because he didn't want to. Reid was never in favor of diminishing Republican power in the Senate. Reid is an aristocrat, and his class is more important than the work of government. It was not Reid and the Democrats against the vile Republican teabaggers, but instead was the Ruling Class and their servants in the Senate against 99% of the American people.
Very Useful David Sirota On The Bastardization Of American Political Discourse
This is an excellent little rant from David Sirota, very usefully pointing out how the political discourse in the United States has been destroyed by propaganda and ignorance. If, if, more Americans understood this process, along with the right-wing rhetoric involved, we would be so much better off.
Bill O'Reilly: Draft Dodger & Sexist Pig
Watching sexually-abusing creepster and coward Bill O'Reilly wind himself into high dudgeon over women serving in combat is one of the funnier things you can witness on the tee vee. I mean, O'Reilly couldn't even win a fight against Andrea Mackris, the woman he fantasized about raping in a shower with a middle-eastern sandwich thing, so why does he think women aren't suited to other forms of combat?
One Year Ago Today
this is not a single speed carbon 29er: knolly free radical
birth control for everyone!
state of the union tedium
fluffers gotta fluff: we don't deserve him
virag's movie reviews: bridesmaids (2011)
virag's movie reviews: the housemaid (2010, south korea)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Hillary Kicks Some Clowns & Will She Run?
Secretary Clinton had some fun fucking with the dummies today when she testified before Congress. The important question is whether she's going to run in 2016, and I firmly believe that she will only run if something tragic happens with her husband. I think Bubba was a shitty president, and that is probably enough for me to never support Hillary, but I do think he occasionally makes for dizzying, high-calorie entertainment when he goes after the rock-ribbed teabagger types, so I am in the I-hope-that-weasel-bastard-lives-forever crowd. He does have the world's finest healthcare (unlike most Americans), and he is vain enough to have himself downloaded into a blow-up sex robot if need be due to failing abilities. Bill, Former President, Clinton will be hell for candidate Hillary Clinton, though, and if former Pres. Clinton is out and about and doing his thing, I don't think Mrs. Clinton will run because her husband will make her candidacy astoundingly problematic. If she is the suffering widow of the now-sainted late Mr. Clinton, however, that will change the dynamic, and she may decide that Hillary unbound can run and win.
Bibi Gets Squeezed
Somebody got Bibi's balls in a salad shooter in yesterday's Israeli election. Unfortunately, the fascist little creep will still be the PM, but if Netanyahu has to form a coalition with the Centrist party, then perhaps the ultra-religious, loony welfare kings will finally have to actually work if they want to eat. That would be a fucking hilarious outcome for the scumbag Bibi who has worked with those nutty fundamentalist dirtballs to keep himself in power. The sooner Israel collapses into civil war, the better for us and the world. After the idiots are done savaging each other, we can finally have a viable democracy for all the good people in Israel and Palestine.
One Year Ago Today
puke central at the nbc debate
it would have been totally cool with a drone
paul craig roberts is shrill
update: paul was nothing at the nbc debate. his very sensible answer about cuba sank like a stone. it's the mittens and newt show now. the paul candidacy is, outside of the non-republican libertarians and pot-smoking kids, over.
(some of) the scum of the earth come out for joe pa
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Obama's Second Inaugural: Who Cares?
Obama's particular brand of bullshit was never my bag, so I really don't give a flying fuck what he said in his second inaugural speech. I mean, it's pretty funny that the conservatards took it as a huge 'Fuck You' from the President. They deserve it; every other phrase out of Obama's mouth should be to tell the conservatives and the Republicans to eat shit. And it's fine, just fine that he gave a shout out to civil rights and marriage rights. That's good stuff, and if the Republicans and teabaggers hate it, then it's even better. But still, whatever the President says, whether in this inaugural speech or any other time, none of it matters very much. Obama's record of results vs. rhetoric has been dismal; as a sohshalist Mooslim usurper, he has been ineffectual at best. It's fine, just fine that he gave a speech that gave lots of people a woody, and it's kinda cute that the assholes out there hated it, but Obama has done nothing so far that would lead anyone paying attention to believe that he intends to abandon his rock-ribbed, if somewhat traditional, Conservative agenda in his second term, regardless of how much the teabaggers and whackjobs and guntards bitch and whine.
Roe v. Wade, Still A Big Fucking Deal
40 years later, Roe v. Wade is still a big fucking deal. Not only is it a big deal for civil rights and not only is a big deal for women's reproductive rights and women's health care, it is a big fucking deal for politics. The right to health care and the right to access to abortion are big winners all across the country and should be a national issue for all the big D Democrats running for anything in 2014. This shit is important, to men, to women, to everyone else. Roe v. Wade has never been weaker than it is today and needs to be bolstered. And yes, the politics matters; win with women and win big. Win big and make the laws better for every American. That's the way it should work; unfortunately, the political will is often absent, and the reactionary idiots are allowed to frame the debate.
Today In The Guntard Shooting Gallery: Texas
If this shit happened in America, it would be a fucking tragedy; in Texas, it's sorta normal guntard dipshit behavior. What's nuts is that it doesn't even count a mass shooting because of too few victims. Only in America could you have a minimum on the mass shooting index. Fuck yeah! Too stupid, even for Texas. We are a diseased and disgusting society, and we deserve the all the horrors visited upon us by our own stupidity.
Harry Reid Is Screwing The Filibuster Pooch
Reid has no desire to really fix the filibuster; he simply wants to do something to appease the Democratic base. A real filibuster reform would be a bridge too far for almost any Senator, and Harry Reid is not just any Senator. He's the Majority Leader and as such is far more invested in the aristocracy of the Senate than your average bear Senator. Reid was never on the right side of this issue, so the American people will continue to be victimized by a dysfunctional government.
One Year Ago Today
kara thrace and her special destiny
over oversized lugs and max on the sax
is this the only free-range sax max-lugged frame
out there? if so, it is a rare beast for many disparate reasons; the
internets don't spew up much besides this one. it's pretty neato
though. a clearcoat thing mighta worked well on this one; the
construction on the raw frame is sano, and the orange is great for a
late-90's vibe. i'm not a huge fan of the plastic enve
fork on a steel frame, even if some of the illuminati preach that a
proper custom steel fork would be overkill in this application. it
looks okay painted on the big frame. i dig the dropouts, too, even
though i usually prefer 1010b's. i'd like to see some of these frames
with the proprietary sachs fork crown and blades. will these over
oversized tubes become the new lugged standard? bullshit or not? and whatnot.
i bet newt gingrich doen't know one thing about saul alinsky
your 2012 not quite a saab 9-3
jo pa's last exit strategy
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