Friday, July 31, 2020

Very Dumb Brother And Russia "Expert" Terrell J. Starr Has No Fucking Idea What This Pop Song Is About

"Russian" "Starr".  Jesus, what a dope.  Anyway, that fucking idiot has no idea what this annoying and annoyingly catchy pop song is about, but that's okay cuz he's a very dumb brother.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Dems Are A Deadly Enemy To Vital Progress As Much As Trump And The GOP: Never, Ever Biden

True centrists like Bernie Sanders supporters and center-left voters are deranged if they're voting for Biden.  A Biden administration would do more damage than Trump has done, but will do it with a socially acceptable tone so that vile conservatives like Neera Tanden and Barack Obama will be able to support it.  The Dems are a vile conservative party almost exactly the same as the GOP; neither party stands for universal healthcare or environmental justice or reproductive rights or labor rights or defunding the police or abolishing ICE or an end to America's wars or anything decent, necessary, sane.  For the gods' sakes, don't vote for the party of Liz The Snake Warren, Hillary Clinton, the KHive, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Armando Big Cuck Democrat Llorens.  Never, ever Biden.

Herman Cain, Fuck Yeah!

Motherfucker daid!  This is some great work by the coronavirus.  Finally.  Keep it up, ya great beautiful patriotic exceptional American virus!  Remove the baggers!!

The Second-Best Louie Gohmert News Ever!

There's only one way this news gets better!  Gohmert might be dumber than Santorum, Brownback, Ron Johnson, Steve King, Eric Cantor, or Paul Ryan, and we pray to jesus that the bagger remover removes him from the the fucking planet.  The psycho retard baggatron cocksuckers at Free RePubic are scared Gohmert might die of the hoax without his hydroxy, so let's hope he chokes on it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

If Chris Dodd Keeps Vile Reactionary Cop Kamala Harris From Ever Being President, Well, Fuck Yeah Chris Dodd!

This would be the best thing Chris Dodd ever did!  Even better than the waitress thing with Teddy Kennedy.  Kamala Harris is hateful conservative piece of shit, and she should never, ever be anywhere near the presidency.  It's also true that the KHive scumbags are far more toxic and grotesque than all of the baggers and MAGAtards could ever hope to be.  Any Dems butthurt over Harris deserve every bit of Rapey Uncle Joe getting slaughtered in November after months of hearing about Willie Brown making Kamala Harris his bitch.  If Chris Dodd manages to keep that miserable bastard cop off the ticket, all/most/much/some is forgiven, Senator Dodd.

Ed Markey, Si!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

This Idiot Rick Beato Loves To Hear Himself Talk, But He Never Says Anything

Christ, it's all just blather with this dork.  He never even gets to the reason why the shredder players are not really musicians.  And I'm not a huge David Gilmour fan, but I know why Johnny Marr is amazing and Steve Vai is boring.  Also, Beato has shitty taste.  The video he did about his label was full of some really banal music.  Just awful.

Nate Silver, Vapid Conservative Pissboy, Is Dumber Than Dog Shit

Christ, what a moron.  Silver is enormously tedious in his banal inanity.  Conservatives are so fucking stupid.  We r doom'd.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Enthusiastic Fisking Of Dumbest Of The Dumb: Elon Musk And The Rest Of The Tech Dolts

Lyta Gold at Current Affairs.  Musk is an intelligence test, and every Tesla driver and all the other Musk stans have failed that test in the most hilariously embarrassing manner possible. 

Jeremy Corbyn Was The Least Racist British Party Leader In A Hundred Years

Corbyn was not a racist in any sense and was most assuredly not an anti-Semite in particular.  This anti-Semitic railroading is absurd, yet the entire conservative British establishment is wedded to the fucking lie.  They're literally dying over it now, too.  Excellent.  Fucking Limey cocksuckers.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Peeled Sunday

Excellent Nathan J. Robinson Tribute To Michael Brooks

Current Affairs.  Robinson might be so very wrong about Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling, but he is so right about Brooks.  Of course neolib clowns like John Cole had no idea who Michael Brooks was.

Teabaggers Are Gross And Vile Trash People

Jesus christ, this thing looks like it was painted by an inbred trailer trash mongoloid.  What the actual fuck is wrong with these disgusting baggers.  Those demented asswipes do loves them some Trump jizz, tho.

Bagger Down! Some Pretty Great Mike Adams News

Ded!  Fatuous teabagging shithead Mike Adams is beastly daid, and that is great news for humanity as a whole.  One less grotesque teabagging loser fucking up our society.  Hooray!

The baggatron cocksuckers over at Free RePubic aren't happy about this wonderful news, either, which makes it even better!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Of Sane

Another Dead Rich Dummy At High Point University Doesn't Matter To Anyone

These people need to have their taxes raised.  This kid was a D-List rich kid; the really rich dipshits go to Harvard.  Nobody should go to High Point; it's not a real school.  But another fat rich kid dead is not really a big deal.  Don't do drugs, kids.  Can't blame the fraternities for junkies.  Mom needs a new hobby.  Everyone involved sounds like a fucking garbage person.  And one of them is dead.  Nobody who'll be missed.

Sound Track

Every Conservative Is A Gross Liar And Miserable Piece Of Shit

Paul Elam vintage edition.  What a fucking loser.  MRAs and every other variety of bagger are just fucking human scum.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Insipid Shitlibs Like Ballon Juice John Cole Are Utterly Fucking Useless

No idea who Michael Brooks was. Really?  Jesus.  So, John Cole knows nothing about Brazil or Bolivia or Venezuela or the 2020 Dem primary or any of the topics where Brooks was highly visible.  Hard-right Dems are fucking human garbage.  They know nothing except guzzling the piss of their masters.  Ralph Nader tried to tell your parents there was no difference between the hard-right Democratic Party and the hard-right Republican Party.  John Cole is a poster boy for empty-headed neolib simp. 

Remembrance Of Michael Brooks By Meagan Day

Nicely done.  Brooks was a genuine comic talent, and apparently he was a generous person as well.

Free RePubic Teabagging Shitheads Are Truly Dumber Than Dog Shit

Just gross and awful people.  The racist teabaggers are so much more horrible than sane decent people can ever know.  The worst people who ever lived can be found at the Free RePubic hell site.

Yeti Shoulda Made A Real ARC, Not This Piece Of Shit

Grotesque.  But a real, modern version of the ARC racing bike, hand-welded aluminum, loop stays and all, with the new SiD fork, at a decent price for what you got, woulda been a fitting tribute to that original privateer racing sled.  Maybe even a trail version with a longer fork, too.  But those would be bikes for people who actually ride bikes, soooo...


Monday, July 20, 2020

Holy Shit, Michael Brooks Died Suddenly Today

What the fuck?  This is truly shocking news.  And sad in so many ways.  Wretched scum like Donald Trump and Joe Biden live, but Michael Brooks dies at 37.  Not cool, man.  Not cool.

Vile Racist Teabagging Republican John Kasich Reminds You Never Biden

It's time you dummies learned the lesson Mr. Nader tried to teach your parents in 2000: there's not a dime's worth of difference between the hard-right party called the Democratic Party and the hard-right party called the GOP.

John Kasich will be speaking on behalf of Joe Biden.  John Kasich is a grotesque hard-right lunatic.

Never Biden.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


James Joyce, Si!

Brianna Rennix is correct.  JAJ is not at all pretentious and always worth your time. 

Catturds Are Def Dumber Than Dog Shit

Conservatives also lack any and all self-awareness.  Thomas Sowell.  Jesus, these baggies numbskulls are beyond parody.  Never forget that conservatism is a mental disorder.  Dumber than dog shit.

Nifty Fisking Of Risible Failson Tucker Swanson Chicken Dinner Carlson

St. George's School would like to thank the author for calling them a prestigious boarding school--though not prestigious enough to name them, I guess.

Nobody should have needed to be told that Tucker only got into Trinity because someone from St. George's, most likely his girlfriend's dad, the head of school, begged them.  And reminded Trinity how many full-pay dullards St. George's forwarded their way each year.

Also understand that Trinity in the 80s was almost exclusively a warehouse and threadbare credential for rich underachievers and other sons of the B- and C-list oligarchs.  Just like St. George's.

How sad is it that with all the money in his family, Tucker was somehow too stupid for Harvard or Princeton or Yale.  And those places are full of rich simpletons.  They're for rich simpletons.

Tucker Frozen Pot Pie Carlson is the world's puffiest failson.  Everything was given to him.  He never accomplished a thing.  If not for his family's wealth, he'd be squatting naked in an oily puddle somewhere, eating worms.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Fun Yoann Barelli Stream Of Consciousness Comedy

Heh.  I hoped the bears enjoyed the comedy performed live.  Mmmm...berries.

Majikthise Has No Idea What A Conservative Is

Jesus.  Andrew Sullivan not a conservative?  Christ, that's dumb.  Just because Sullivan is not a meth-headed white nationalist incel, that does not mean he's not a rock-ribbed racist reactionary conservative.  Lindsay Beyerstein should know better than this, but the proof of the puddin' is in the eatin'.  What Beyerstein calls center-left is mainstream hard-right conservative; only in the USA could someone be so deluded as to call Sullivan center-left.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Live Sex On Stage

The 1312 Project: There Are No Good Cops

All cops are bastards.  No such thing as a good cop.  The police are your enemies; they don't work for you.  1312.

It Sucks How Hard The Bike Industry Is Pushing The Electric Motorcycle

Making that battery powered motobike money in the short term could very well crush the actual bike industry.  Not that the dummies who pushed big-wheeled mountain bikes and 650B mountain bikes and gravel bikes and fat road tires and disc brakes on road bikes and plus-tired mountain bikes and fat bikes and overpriced Chinese plastic crap just to sell bikes to idiots haven't fucked up wicked bad before this.  But this time could be different.  In the quest for easy money mostly from selling electric motorcycles to Eurotrash in an industry that has a hard enough time making decent stuff at reasonable prices, the bicycle industry is fellating the devil.  You can't blame Pinkbike for pushing what they're paid to push.  That's what stenographers do.  But all these bike brands are gonna be really fucked in ten years' time if they are not careful.  I guess nobody at Specialized or Rocky Mountain knows what the first Harley looked like...

Dirtbikes are fun, but they are not mountain bikes and are disasters for the trails and the environment as a whole.  Battery powered motorcycles are no better.  The cycling industry is wicked fucking stupid.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Kleen Livin'

Joy Reid Is A Yuge Fucking Lying Scumbag

She's a piece of shit.  Never trust a neolib.  Joy Reid sucks major ass.  And she only supports M4A when she knows it's not ever gonna happen.  Fuck her.

Who Funds BIKE Magazine? The Same Villains Who Fund The Federalist?

There's never anything going on.  Pinkbike has hundreds of dummies commenting on every topic, while those same topics on the BIKE Magazine site get no activity at all.  BIKE published a silly, slobbering, and gormless review of the crap new Evil bike, like the most enthusiastic paid advertising copy, but it got one comment.  Pinkbike had hundreds of people dragging that same bike at the same time on their site.  Save for their bike test videos, BIKE Magazine is mostly press releases.  So who funds this thing if nobody's reading it?  How can they pay people?  Does Ben Domench-McCain know the answer?  Tune in next time...

Brad Parscale Is Sick Of All The Winning & Now He's Losing More Than His Hair

Now Parscale is just another bald cuck.  Sad.  I guess he really did get sick from so much motherfucking winning!  Thanks, Hope Hicks!

Oh My, Hope Hicks Is A Yuge Slut

Her pussy just don't give you crabs, it gets you fired!  Damn, Hope Hicks is a bigger skank than Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom Scaramucci Trump!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


The Pro's Closet: It's Time To Raise Rich People's Taxes

Tax these idiots so that the Pro's Closet cannot become a venture capital darling.  All this does is incentivize higher and higher prices in used bikes and new bikes.  Jesus, America is a sick and sad society.

Jeff Sessions Is Sick Of All The Winning

So much fucking winning.  Sessions is one of the most disgusting racists in America today, so watching him being humiliated in such a satisfying way is truly making America greater again.  Thanks, Trump!

Remember: Joe Biden Doesn't Support Medicare For All, So Don't Vote For Joe Biden

Never Biden.  Pro Tip: lesser evil is evil, so never vote for a candidate who does not support your political positions. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Lawn Babby

Andrew Sullivan Debases The Reputation Of Every Other Fatuous Dipshit And Corn Cob On Earth

What a dullard.  Sullivan is one of the most grotesque reactionary stooges alive today.  Just fucking awful.  As if you needed more proof there are no gods...

Fantastic Coronavirus News From The Woolery Family

The best news!  The beautiful brave patriotic coronavirus needs to do everything it can to make America greater again!

Donald J. Trump Never Once Got Laid Without Paying For It

Every woman Trump fucked was a literal whore: not one of them gave it to him for free.  Unless Ivanka threw him a pity fuck when was a kid.  Otherwise, Donny never got any legit pussy without cash up front.  Not one time.  Sad.  Thanks, Obama.

Blake Neff Is A Very Handome And Smart Boy

Holy shit, that's one creepy motherfucker.  Calling Blake Neff an incel is an insult to incels and bald cunts everywhere.  Padma Lakshmi sounds like she's in love.  Why is it that bloated bald Nazi creeps get all the trim.  I guess Tucker Carlson has very few choices when it comes to besties.  One thing is sure: Dartmouth is not at all embarrassed by this latest reactionary incel loser they shit out.

You one ugly motherfucker.

Joe Hoft Is Also The Stupidest Man On The Internet

And possibly a yuge liar, too, depending on whether you think he is too stupid to read or not.  But whatevs, because that study he "quotes" does not say what he tells those poor retarded baggers it says.  I actually read it.  And it was surely not a study about the safety of holding public in-person school classes during the worldwide coronavirus party.  Never trust a conservative, folks.  They're rotten and evil.

High-Energy Drive-By Fisking Of Reactionary Shithead Jeffrey Wright

That's gotta hurt.  Wright a fucking dimwit; he's no Paul Giamatti as far we know, tho.  But Jeffrey Wright is a wonderful Uncle Tom for the Fox Generation.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Dressed 4

Craig Gaulzetti Is More Full Of Shit Than Any D-List Self-Promoter In Cycling And Human History

He's as deep as a puddle.  Name-checking Infinite Jest and the New York Times is not something any literate or even semi-intelligent illiterate person would ever do sincerely, even in 2018.  (The slobbering comment after the article from Don Ferris is just the chef's kiss of circle jerking.)  Plus Gaulzetti talks up 27.5+ mountain bikes, a trend that lasted about as long as his partnership with Kelly Bedford.  Craig Gaulzetti is the pathetic and inane blithering idiot who sounds smart to the other blithering idiots in the cycling industry.  But hey, it beats workin'.  Perhaps somebody might explain to him that Carl Strong makes bikes, Richard Sachs retired from making bikes, and there are plenty of people who actually make bikes who don't come off sounding like a barely-literate, air-headed, past-his-sell-by-date shop rat with a Stalin tattoo.

Liz Lasses Are The Most Pathetic Reactionary Simps In The Fucking Universe

The Snake is a fucking Repbublican cunt.  Anyone dumb enough to support Warren at this point deserves another Trump term.  Neolibs are more dangerous than MAGAtards.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Care Bare

Very Entertaining Hambini Reaming Of An OPEN Cycle Carbon Frame

The Best Possible Coronavirus News From Bolivia

Let's win this one with coronovirus and jesus!  Jeanine Anez is such a gross piece of filth that we can all pray to jesus fucking christy that the coronavirus delivers us from her evil, now and forevah, amen.

Remember: Biden Will Veto Medicare For All, So Don't Vote For Joe Biden

He's still a rapist, even if the media lied to you, and he's still a vile piece of shit who won't support universal health care.  Never Biden.

Biden Should Pick Jay Inslee (If He's Not Smart Enough To Pick Bernie Or Nina Turner)

I know that Biden said he was gonna pick a blah lady, but he should fuck all the idiots in his party and pick an actual competent governor, and the only one is Jay Inslee.  He's not a lady.  He's not blah.  Or a red Indian.  Or a Hispandex, but he's actually the best candidate.  The idiot Dems, especially the black ones, have shown they are deserving of no respect or consideration and will do what they are told by scum like Clyburn, so fuck them.  They deserve what they get at this point.

Now, this would not get Rapey Uncle Joe my vote, probably, the way Bernie or Nina Turner would, but it might, and it would show he still has at least one semi-functioning neuron left in that gross malformed head of his.  Inslee's the best pick.  Period.  That's it.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Who Remembers The HammerSchmidt, Another Epic Sram Abortion

Everything Sram touches turns to gold.  This was some really awful mountain bike shit, and Sram continues to make utter garbage today.  At least today's Sram shit sorta works for a while, usually, but they never learned how to make quality mountain bike parts the way Shimano did, atmo.  Sad.  The HammerSchmidt was an idea whose time never came.  Thanks, Obama.

There Was Some Really Great Coronavirus News From Brazil

The best possible news.  If Balsonarro, Balsnonorro, Balsano, Balsonaro dies the world immediately becomes a better place, so do you job for once you lazy coronavirus bastard.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mind The Sebadoh

Not News: Cowardly Incel Losers On Free RePubic Are Also Sniveling Little Racists

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Lots Of That Vibe Chapo Later Exploited Here From Tom Scharpling Fisking Billy Crystal

Billy Crystal is pretty awful, and Tom Scharpling really lets him have it.  This is the same shit that made Chapo even bigger millionaires.

James The Dr.

Pro Tip: Write Your Own Dumb Letters And Never Sign Anything Engineered By A Fatuous Dimwit Like Thomas Chatterton Williams

Jesus, people, it's not that hard to spot the right-wing buffoon is it?  I mean, christ, there's a whole bunch of nasty reactionary shitheads on this list, with Frum, Fukuyama, Gladwell, Rowling, Kasparov, Weiss, Yoffe, Matty Yglesias, Williams himself just to start.  Hey, even plagiarist and vacuous simp Fareed Zakaria is on there.  I should feel bad for those fools who got suckered into this grift, but I really don't.  At least Jennifer Finney Boylan is thinking clearly and has some guts.  The same old white guys mighta had more sense than to get on board with this scam.

NYC Taper

Who doesn't love tape!  This is some cool shit; they've been at it forever, too.  So much awesome music.  So many great shows.  Truly a bright spot in human history, atmo.

Nothing Scares A Bagger More Than The Idea Of Education

Educated and intelligent people cannot be conservative.  Conservatism is a mental defect.  When a bagger hears about education, they get very scared because somehow their putrid raisin brains can sense the danger to their vile kind.  Teabagging cannot survive in a world without ignorance.  An educated society destroys the wretched bagger.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Unnecessary Paul Carrack

Jesus, Cornell University Really Wants To Find Its Own Way To Suck Worse Than Harvard

Dumb fuckers. Cornell has always been able to say: yeah, but at least we're not Harvard for fuck's sake.  And Ithaca would be really lovely if it were in Western Mass.  Or Vermont or New Hampshire.  Or even NW Connecticut.  But this bullshit about keeping a lid on the coronavirus better with everyone back in town as usual, well, that's just fucking wicked dumb.  Cornell needs that cash, tho.  Pay me bitch!

Sunday, July 5, 2020


The Cavity Creep Brent Bozell Has Seen The Truth About Black Lives Matter: They're Marxists!!

And anti-family radicals!! HALP!!  Jesus frakking cripsy, only the modern superman, Cavity Creep L. Brent Bozell can save us from the Black Lives Matter villains.  They're violent revolutionaries.  And "trained radicals."  They have trains, apparently.  And some of them identify as queer.  Or possibly QUEER!  It's all very scary.  Black people are scary.  The Chinese are Marxists, too, you know!!

Poor Brent hasn't been the same since he had his teeth fixed.  When he was like 50 or somethin'...

All Of Teabagging Is Just A Reactionary Circle Jerk Of Horseshit Like This Malcom Flex Idiot

None of this happened. This is all lies.  Sure, this Malcolm Flex is an Uncle Tom for the Fox Generation, but he's also completely full of shit.  This is all performative teabagging horseshit.  It's a circle jerk.  Not a single thing he says is true.  The General has no time for this shit, even.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Bother God

Norman Finklestein Systematically Obliterating Epstein Pal Alan Dershowitz Is The Only Way To Make America Greater Again

This deboning goes beyond a fisking, beyond a cobbing, and vaults into a sublime dismantling of one of the most grotesque people who ever lived, pedo creep and Epstein buddy Alan Dershowitz.  Watching the controlled demolition Norman Finklestein performs is an immeasurable beauty.  So wonderful.  Norman Finklestein is a true American hero.

A Great Fisking Of The Red Hot Chili Peppers By A Former Pixie Wife Will Never Die

Gods bless America!  Reaching out from the past to kick those idiots into the future is truly the lords' work.  Thank you, ex-Pixie wife.  Or is that Pixie ex-wife.  Yeah, probably that one.  And more.  Not simply that role.  Much more.  Julie Farman seems like a fun person.  We're lucky she's out there sharing this content.  

Rollicking Neo-Vintage Current Affairs Fisking Of The Execrable Hamilton

Signal-boosted by the Current Affairs guy himself.  Everything about that abortion Hamilton sucks so fucking bad, and the vile people who love it are probably worse than the awful fucking play.  Bad entertainment for bad people.  The essay is tip-top, tho.  Alex Nichols wrote it.

Cheap Generic Chinese Bike Frames, Guitars, And What Else?

Somebody needs to archive all the shit people bought directly from China without the brand name on it and all the YouTube videos they made about the mayhem which ensued.  Of course that plastic bike frame is a good idea.  Of course that counterfeit Les Paul looks nice.  How bad could it be...

Friday, July 3, 2020

2 Pure 2

If You Are Reactionary Asswipe Like Tim Padgett, An American Racist Symbol Is The Same As A 20th Century Latin American Revolutionary

It's science!  To a teabagger.  Fucking retards like Tim Padgett don't know two things about Che Guevara anyway and don't care to.  All they want are their simple-minded inanities to make themselves feel better.  Nothing dumber than a conservative.  Dumber than dog shit.

John LeFevre Knows Everything Is Wicked Fucking Dumber In Texas, Especially Him

Ain't no baggy fucktard like a Texas baggy fucktard.  John LeFevre probably isn't even the biggest fucking dipshit in Texas or anything.  Sad.  Thanks, Trump.

The Best Possible News Today! Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom Scaramucci Trump Has The Coronavirus

FUCK YEAH! Way to go jesus!  The good guys need this one, motherfrakker.  Months of disappointment by the coronavirus would be forgiven.  Make it so.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Representation And Inclusion In Cycling

Yes. Very good.  But.  But, the bros and the twit-cohort are not gonna give up their privilege without a fight...

White people suck.  They will ruin anything.  Look at the Serotta Forum.  Stay away from the white if you can, but if you love bikes and cycling, well, welcome to Karen Hell, atmo.

The Vile Baggatron Cocksuckers At Free RePubic Are Also Sad Little Racist Cucks

Delete the white!  These impotent baggy incels will never have the simple dignity of inane corn cobs.

1 And

Fantastic Coronavirus News: Herman Cain!

Hopes and prayers, you grotesque Uncle Tom motherfucker.  Apparently he went to Trump's ghey little under-attended Klan rally in Tulsa, so let's hope we get lots more good news resulting from that shit soon.

Neolib PUMA Hildos Should Def Drink Themselves To Death

These people are fucking scum.  MAGAtards look sane compared to Virginia Heffernan.  Absolutely disgusting.  Never Biden.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Nifty New Transition Spur Steps All Over The Crap New Short-Travel Yeti Bike

Sano little bike from Transition.  They went all in on the SID stuff.  Interdasting.  Probably more bike than 90% of riders need, and so much better than that sorry old Yeti garbage.  It's hilarious that the intro of the Spur stepped all over Yeti's dumb bike.  That Switch Infinity nonsense is the single dumbest mountain bike development ever.  Worse even than any derivative dreck Dave Weagle managed to shit out.

Transition keeps the ugly streak alive by using that copper-colored logo on the grey bike.  Good job.  I like the algae color a bunch.  I knew the new Patrol was not coming when they restocked the old style bikes on their website; must be one last batch of the old Patrol before the redesign drops.  This Spur is pretty sweet tho.

Jeff Brines seems like one of the only civilian YouTube bike "experts" you wouldn't immediately punch in the face on principle.

Farscape Was So Long Ago That The Retrospectives Are Frakking Vintage Now

Hard to believe.  Much of Farscape holds up.  And the first Guardians of the Galaxy flick was not much more than a long Farscape episode. 

Ed Henry Is Sick Of All That Winning

Another Fox "News" whore who was a naughty, naughty boy.  Was it Indochinese ladyboys like Bill O'Reilly?  That would be fitting.