Friday, March 31, 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Well, The Free RePubic Baggers Are Not Enjoying Today's Entertainment
Baggers really are dumber than dog shit.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Trump is a risible beta boy loser, too.
Thanks, Obama.
Humza Yousaf Scares The Shit Out Of Britain's Entire Reactionary Establishment, So That's Brilliant
That motherfrakker is gonna help wreck Great Britain once and for all.
Good riddance.
And that brings the United Ireland one step closer.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Pro Tip: Guntards Are Self-Hating Closet-Cases And Beta Cuck Bed-Wetters
It's the only energy baggers have.
They're all the biggest cowards in every room they're in.
Delete the whyte.
Rick Newman Is Prob The Most Retarded Pissboy Currently Guzzling In America
The man loves to drink from the piss bucket.
And he's dumber than dogshit.
But at least Rick Newman knows that pissboys only get paid by the oligarchs who own the piss buckets.
And when you live to slurp down the piss of the ruling class the way Rick does, you don't need brains.
Pretty sure giving rich guys their money back using money from the government while doing nothing for 99.9% of the people is something way beyond socialism for the wealthy, but don't expect screaming shitheads like Rick Newman to comprehend that anytime in the next ten thousand years.
Thanks, Bernie Sanders.
Thanks To Bagger Cuck Meatball Ron, Florida Is The Shittiest Shithole In The Nation
Florida's unsalvageable. Time to end it and all the Floridaman baggers.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
I Don't Care About Reactionary Limey Cokksukkers Like Keir Starmer, But I Do Know That All Good People Are Going To Put A Stop To This TERF Situation
Conservatism is incompatible with a civilized society.
Fuck bigotry, fuck racism, fuck Tories, fuck Labor, fuck baggers, fuck Nazis, fuck libertarians, all of them need to fuck right the fuck off once and for fucking all.
Support trans kids.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
TERFs are more disgusting than any web-toed inbred bagger.
Mississippi Is The Beautiful Brave Patriotic Bagger Remover At Work!
I know that plenty of poor folks, Black folks, kids whose parents aren't baggers are suffering too, but nobody really gives a shit, so I'm not going to pretend to either.
Ded baggers makes America greater again.
Mississippi is killin' lotsa baggers.
Who's Gonna Tell This Poor Girl That Boston University Is Not A 'Top University'
Boston University.
Not top of anything. Better than Northeastern, but Northeastern is a shabby commuter school which these days draws kids from Choate and Deerfield because there are so many applications everywhere now and any boarding school kid can't get into Wesleyan and Yale just cuz anymore.
Boston University.
'Top university'.
Monday, March 27, 2023
Kyrsten Sinema Is A Senator Because Chuck 'Chuckles' Schumer Put Her There
This is performative reactionary Dem bullshit.
Don't believe it.
Chuckles and Kyrstie are on the same side.
And it ain't your unless you too are a Republican.
Never, ever vote for Dems.
Since This Was A Rich White Christian School That Loves The 2nd Amendment And The Constitution, Why Didn't The Victims Return Fire With Their Own Glock Juniors?
That doesn't sound like the strong, throbby, veiny, rock-hard freedom-loving christianity we were promised.
Was this school actually a ghey trannie soor-ohse jeeww school teaching woke CRT and BLM and teh gheyness?
Sounds like it to me.
The Beautiful Brave Patriotic Bagger Remover Loves Freedumb And The 2nd Ammoendment
Ded baggers is ded baggers and ded baggers is always good.
Making America greater again.
Time to scourge all the bagger lands with cleansing nuclear fire.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
From The TERFs Are Dumber Than Baggers File: What Sort Of Unhinged Moron Gets Elective Labiaplasty At AGE 18!!??
No wonder this poor dumb cunt is a TERF.
Jesus fucking christ, she must be the biggest idiot in the world and almost as nuts.
Love your pussies, folks. All of 'em are nice.
Well, not Jessica Pin's, or Ann Coulter.
Any Republican probably smells awful and has crabs.
Conservative vaginas are gross.
Conservatives are gross.
Trump Is Such A Strange, Frail Little Man
Trump's def the most beta man to ever win the presidency.
What a fucking cuck loser he is.
Thanks, Brandon.
Meatball Ron is a way bigger pussy than Trump, but that greaseball ain't never gonna win.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
TERFs Suck Major Dog Dick AND The British Royal Family Are Lizards
Nothing worse than a TERF.
Nothing worse than a Limey cocksucker, especially a monarch.
Under his eye.
Baggers Are Way Too Fucking Stupid To Ever Stop The Blessed Holy Bagger Remover
America will become greater again with every ded bagger.
This is a holy miracle from jesus fucking christ on rye toast who loves us too fucking much.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Holy Shit, Trump Is A Yuge Pussy--So Scared Of Being Arrested
Trump is the biggest, whiniest pussy on the fucking planet.
What a beta cuck loser.
And he's the bagger king!
Praise be!
Bagger Moron Jesse Kelly Makes A Strong Case That He's Dumber Than Any Trump Kid
If only those vile reactionary rock-ribbed racist conservative stillwithhering Hildos, Liz Lasses, AOC stans, and KHive Slut Queen acolytes were actual fuckin' commies.
We'd be living in the United Federation Of Fucking Planets by now if those cunts weren't so fucking stupid.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Jesse Kelly is a retard.
Note That The Washington Post Is Staking Out A Position On Trans Folks Opposite Of That Held By The New York Times
Is it money?
Is it politics?
Yes, they're the same, but the Post sees something beneficial.
It sure ain't basic human decency since it's the Bezos Post we're talkin' about...
In Michigan, The Dems Do Something For Once!
Right to Work laws should be repealed nationally and then ruled unconstitutional, but the Dems don't do anything nationally.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Christians Are Dumber Than Dog Shit--Thank Christ
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Faith healing.
Those christian dumb fucks actually believe that shit.
Ana Kasparian Is Fukkin Awful, As Bad Or Worse Than Emma Vigeland, Even--Real Jimmy Jimjam Dore Energy
To own the libs, of course.
TERFs are way more vile than any libertarian or other racist reactionary bagger-type shithead.
The Effeminate Beta Cock Loser Meatball Ron Has No Defense Against The Bagger King Donald J. Trump
And Florida is a bagger shithole.
What are the baggers gonna do when Trump is done explaining that shit to them.
Praise be!
Bagger Shithead Rand Paul, Awful Toupee Enjoyer, Is One Glorious Reason The Blessed Holy Bagger Remover Is Making America Greater Again
There's no fucking way anybody this fucking imbecilic should be able to keep a medical license.
The beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover depends on the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet like Rand Paul to do the lords' work.
Certainly vaccinate your kids if you are not a conservative. Bagger kids must get nothing.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Pro Tip: In The Same Way There Are No Good Cops, There Are No Good Soldiers
Good people don't join the military.
Good people don't join the police.
Troops are criminals.
The 1312 Project.
Conservatives Like Horse Face Ingrid Jacques Hate Organized Labor More Than They Hate Trans Kids
Organized labor is the most frightening thing to any racist reactionary bagger asshole.
Solidarity is deadly to bosses and boot-lickers.
The rest of us fear waking up hung over next to some horse-faced skank like Ingrid Jacques.
Van Halen's Kid Seems Like He Might Be A Touch More Present Than His Father Ever Was
Van Halen was nothing without DLR & somehow less without that idiot Michael Anthony.
The Van Halen brothers were dimwit assholes.
The kid seems kinda fun.
Def a big round nepo baby, tho.
Bagger Shitholes Are Not Fit For Human Habitation: Dr. Leah Torres Should Never Have Moved To Alabama
Humans must abandon states with GOP governments and move to civilized areas of the nation.
Conservatism in incompatible with civilization.
Abortion is healthcare.
Healthcare is a human right.
Eradicate baggerism.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Long-COVID Is Less Of A Problem Now Because Of Vaccines And Paxlovid
More people are vaccinated now.
When people get COVID, they take Paxlovid.
These are the reasons for less long-COVID.
Time for someone to write the paper on this.
TERFs Suck More Ass Than Any Other Reactionary Bigots On Earth
TERFs suck major ass because the TERF and the Limey are so closely connected.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Protect trans kids.
Monday, March 20, 2023
Please Note: 'Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II' Really Is A Good Flick
This movie holds up. Ab-so-fuckin'-lootly.
And Wendy Lyon is fucking awesome in it.
Yeah, she looks hot af in that scene, but she goes for it the whole movie; it sucks if she is now embarrassed by the nude stuff. She looked great.
Def a good flick.
Baggers Are? Dumber Than Dogshit!
Conservatives are too retarded to understand evidence or science or any of that shit.
Conservatism is?
A mental defect!
Sunday, March 19, 2023
The Biggest Tragedy Of The White Stripes Is That Lachlan Markay Is A Bagger Hack And A Simpleton
The second biggest tragedy of the White Stripes is that Jack White is a dipshit.
Meg White is fine.
Lachlan Markay is a shit writer and doesn't know the first fucking thing about music.
Or anything else.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Thank The Gods For Florida Doing The Work Of The Blessed Holy Bagger Remover To Make America Greater Again
Without Florida, so many more baggers would be alive today, and America would be so much more awful.
87,000+ ded baggers is the greatest gift Meatball Ron could give to decent, sane, intelligent America.
Praise be!
Jimmy Dore Is Surely The Dumbest Motherfukker On The Planet--And He Still Doesn't Know What Vindicated Means
If you support RFK Jr on anything, you are a heinous right-wing stooge, case closed.
Reactionary Dimwit Daniel Hannan Would Like To Remind You That Limeys Can Be Baggier Than The Baggiest Baggers Who Ever Bagged!
The Limeys fucked up the COVID response almost as badly as Trump did, so Hannan would simply be lying here if he wasn't too stupid to lie.
The Telegraph is more demented than the Washington Times.
Baggers are vile mental defectives, but Limey baggers are so much fucking worse.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
The American People Are The Most Propagandized People On Earth--But They Deserve It
Reporting as news 43 years later something that everybody knew at the time is pretty fucking lame propaganda.
But the dumb fukks slop it up, so it's time we start blaming the victims, I guess.
Tho The Gods Know They Don't Deserve It, Tennessee Is The World's Favorite Basketball Team Today
Tennessee is a bagger shithole, but Duke.
So, vile Tennessee gets to be the fav for once.
It's in the constitution.
There May Have Been A Time When Charlie Pierce Did Not Suck
Jesus fukking hopscotch christ.
Styx blows. And "Lady" is probably one of their worst songs.
Old people know nothing about punk.
Fuck off boomer.
Thank Christ Oklahoma Is Filled With Bagger Assholes Like Ervin Yen And Did Not Stop 70% Of COVID Deaths!
The blessed holy bagger remover at work removing OK baggers!
We are so fucking blessed by jesus fucking christ.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Ira Kaplan And His Son James McNew Are Good People
Yo La Tengo is America's finest rock and roll combo.
Just say no to TERFs and other shabby bigots.
Pro Tip: Elderly White Baggers Should Not Be Pregnant People--Conservatism Is A Mental Defect
Unvaccinated baggers should not breed.
No baggers should breed, but especially not the baggiest baggers who ever bagged.
Or maybe it should be that no baggers should get ANY vaccines and EVERY elderly bagger should be a pregnant person...
Truly making America greater again.
Dinsesh D'Souza And Elron Musk Are Prob The Two Smartest Conservatives Who Ever Lived
Very very very stable geniuses.
Trump ain't gonna be arrested.
Everyone knows if Trump was gonna be arrested, it woulda happened like 30 fucking years ago.
Free RePubic baggers are dumber than dogshit.
Not Breaking News: The Groomer Meatball Ron Is A Way Bigger Pussy Than Trump
Heh, indeedy.
The GOP is getting everything we had ever hoped, making America greater again.
Thanks, Obama.
Brandon Will Never Have The Balls To Ignore The Bagger Asshole Judge Because The Dems Do Not Support Abortion Rights
Dems do not support abortion rights: Tim Kaine Tim Kaine Tim Kaine.
Voting Republican, Being Conservative Is Not Compatible With Intelligence, Sanity, Decency, Kindness, Or Any Sort Of Loving Family
Anyone who votes GOP or is conservative is not human.
There are evil.
Eradicate conservatives and conservatism from your life.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Given The Dearth Of Talent In Showbusiness, Ben Shapiro Musta Really Sucked To Fail In Hollywood Considering He's Practically A Nepobaby
I mean, Star Trek Discovery exists, Picard, all those other terrible fucking shows and movies all over the place all at once, written by shabby hacks and illiterate cretins, yet Ben Shapiro couldn't dampen a single undergarment with his talent.
Ben Shapiro is no Alex Kurtzman!
Thank christ for wingnut welfare, the only thing preventing Ben Shapiro from living out his days squatting naked in some greasy puddle eating worms on some dilapidated Tennessee back road.
Or not, cuz Ben Shapiro sucks ass and worms are too good for 'im.
I Think The Elderly Dime-Store Jimmy Dores At Due Dissidence Finally Figured Out Far-Right Establishment Dems Are A Problem
Okay. Good job. Next they will learn to tie their own shoes!
Do Dissi-DENSE, amirite?
Now lets look at all of the 'independent' 'left' stooges who helped the Koch Brothers promulgate disinformation and misinformation about COVID and vaccines!
If Brandon Wanted To Help With Abortion Rights, He Could Have The Thomas More Society Shut Down Before End Of Business Today
Come on, Rapey Uncle Joe.
Presidents have lots of tools at their disposals and plenty of people who will do anything no questions asked.
End the Thomas More Society and make America greater again.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Randy McNally Is Clearly Now The Top Pick For Trump's VP--The Finest Conservative In America
The best most Republican GOP man in the US Fucking A.
The new bagger King.
Trump needs Randy McNally to be his top man.
Bethany Shondark Murphy Mandel Is Dumber Than Dog Shit
Jonathan Chait is a fucking retard, and Mandel is just as bad.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Conservatism Is Incompatible With A Civilized Society
Slavery is incompatible with freedom.
Civilization, progress, they require freedom.
A civilized society worships no gods and tolerates no masters.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Too Bad Our "News" Companies Can't Remember That There Weren't Any Lockdowns
At least in the US, no place was locked down.
You don't most of the world's coronavirus deaths without working overtime at the fucktard factory.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Floridaman Doctor Joseph Ladapo Is The Best Doctor A Bagger Can Get--And The US Government Must Not Interfere!
Screaming idiot Joseph Ladapo is the only sort of medical advice any conservative should ever get.
The beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover depends on vile liars and hopeless morons like Ladapo and Jimmy Dore and Robert Malone and RFK Jr. to help make baggers ded.
How dare the feds intervene in the work to make America greater again.
The only good bagger is a ded bagger.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Tilda Swinton Would Like To Remind You That The Actors Are The Dumbest Group In The Business
Actors don't get paid to think.
But the world don't need Tilda Swinton for nothing, either. There's always some airhead to take their place.
Thanks, Howard Hughes.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Hard To Believe Baggers Are Too Stupid To Understand Decent, Sane People Don't Want To Live In Bagger Filth
Baggers are dumber than dog shit, and civilized people don't want to live in places where bagger fucktardery is creating hell on Earth.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Thanks, Obama.
Iowa Mama Bear Kimberly Reichs Is The Only Woman In America Qualified To Be The Next Mrs. Donald J. Trump!
And she's probably fucked for money more than once her life anyway.
Baggers Need Good Bagger Medical Advice To Help Us Remove Baggers
The beautiful brave patriotic bagger remover is mostly furthered by the work of victims.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Thank christ.
Under his eye.
Sounds Like A Good Day In Utah, If That's Possible
I don't like baggers, and I don't like cops, and I don't want cops to have guns, but if a cop uses his piggy powers and sees one of them sovereign citizens plates, they should pull the car over and ask for the usual documents, and if the driver starts in on that usual bagger crap about not needing a license and shit, just shoot them and call for a bagger cleanup at the appropriate address as they walk away.
Ded baggers is good baggers.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
I Doubt Janet Yellen Has The Brains Or Guts To Not Bail Out The Randian Crybabies In Silicon Valley
Elron Musk Fit Right In With Silicon Valley Because Most Or All Of Them Are As Dumb As He Is
Alexander Torrenegra sounds like a real special boy.
Jesus frakking christ on melba toast, these assholes are dumber than dog shit.
As always, conservatism is a mental defect.
Peter Thiel and Elron Musk and Alexander Torrenegra and all the rest are fucking retards.
Master of a truly dumb universe.
Eat shit.
Thanks, Al Gore.
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Sad News To Report: Kimberly Gilfoyle Newsom Scaramucci Trump Is Still A Yuge Slut
Kim shoulda been fired for being too ugly for tee vee.
But I guess Trump men always have to settle for the ugliest girls, the most desperate skanks, used-up Eurotrash whores, and other poxy slatterns.
Thanks, Gavin.
You Will Be Sad To Learn TeeVee's Jim Cramer Is Another Of Those Dumb Guys From Harvard
If only there were some pattern we could recognize.
Probably shouldn't be paying any attention at all to infotainment pissboys on CNBC.
Never Forget That Nicole Russell And Every Bagger, Every Grifter, Every Jimmy Dore Stan Got COVID Completely Wrong
Sure, Nicole Russell is just some brainless bagger bitch, but plenty of people who should know better were just as wrong and millions of people around the world died because of it.
COVID deniers, anti-vax lunatics, they're history's biggest losers.
Never, ever forget it.
New Evidence Shows That Baggers Are Screeching Unhinged Morons
As long as you don't take the last 60+ years of Republican politics into account.
Thanks, Obama.
Friday, March 10, 2023
If Y'All's Name Is Markwayne, Your Mom & Dad Were Brother & Sister
That is some inbred trailer trash right there, Senator Markwayne Mullin.
Jfc, Oklahoma is a fucking bagger shithole.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Nobody's Gonna Believe Those Reactionary Freaks At The BBC Would Lie About...
The Limeys at the big blakk cokk channel are right-wing lunatics?
If only we had known before this...
Watching TERF Scum Like Kathleen Stock Eat Shit Is One Of Life's True Pleasures
Fukk these transphobe bigots and reactionary scumbags now and forever, amen.
TERFs are lower than pond scum.
Lower than baggers.
Lower than racists.
Lower, even, than fucking libertarians.
Shabby bigots have no place in polite society, and Kathleen Stock sucks harder than even Kimberly Gilfoyle Newsom Scarramucci Trump.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Fuck them.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Pretty Upbeat Story On Fetterman's Recovery From The New York Times
Not that Fetterman was all that difficult to tempt, but still.
The establishment loves a winner.
People Dumb Enough To Vote For Dems Get Everything They Deserve
Dems are GOP cucks, but sweet jesus they love it as much as their voters do.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
And the establishment Dems are about as far right as you can be these days...
The COVID Lab Leak Nonsense Is Nothing More Than Something Else About Which Jimmy Dore And Other Reactionary Assholes Can Be Grotesquely Wrong
Conservatism is a mental defect.
The lab leak story is horseshit, but conservatives like Dore love this kind of nonsense because it makes them feel special.
Science has an inherent bias against right-wing lies and dumb fucking grifters.
Which is probably why the boy-loving creeps at National Review are on the case.
The only thing those poor dumb bastards know about science they learned while they were naked with Bill Buckley on his boat.
Thanks, Trump.
Great News About Bitch McConnell, But It Could Get So Much Better
At least we can hope for permanent injury.
That lazy bastard jesus can do that much, right?
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Walkable, Livable, Sustainable 15-Minute Cities: Conservatism Is Incompatible With Progress
Conservatives are always wrong.
Baggers are dumber than dog shit.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
If conservatives oppose something, it is surely the best thing possible.
Cars are a curse on civilization and cities in particular, but never expect a conservative to understand that simple, obvious fact. The reactionary mind is incapable of understanding anything important.
Automobiles are antithetical to liberty across the world.
Eliminate the conservatives and make America and the world greater again.
Pick Me Boy Gavin Newsom Does Something Right, Tho
The former Kimberly Gilfoyle Newsom Scaramucci Trump enjoyer is correct here: Fukk Wall Greens.
This is how you are supposed to do this shit.
Simple politics.
Make yourself look good while you hurt the bad guys.
Weird how Dems hardly ever do this sorta thing.
Who's Gonna Tell 'Em That American University Is Not An Elite Institution
Sorry, but American is not exactly top of the heap by anyone's measure.
I can understand why someone would not like going there, but none of is because it's too good.
Certainly by selectivity and test scores, Emanuel is no better or worse, just not in DC, which is all AU has going for it, while Emanuel is in Boston, but really low on the food chain.
White people just fucking suck.
Thanks, Obama.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Q: Why Are The Most Risible Simpletons Like Vivek Ramaswamy Almost Always Harvard Guys? A: Harvard
Nothing dumber than a rich kid at Harvard.
Nothing dumber than a kid at Harvard.
Nothing dumber than a stunt admit at Harvard.
Pro tip: most Harvard admits are stunts.
People say Harvard is hard mostly because those people are like most of the people at Harvard: not too bright.
Mayo Pete Booty-Gig might as well be Vivek Ramaswamy's fucking brother.
Hard To Believe Cal Didn't Treat The Human Remains Used In Anthropology Classes As Anything More Than Teaching Tools
College, amirite.
The University of California did what universities have always done, and it is a bit silly to think that such institutions would be overly sensitive to the feelings of groups who were not associated with said institutions.
Times change.
Cal and a buncha other places dug up plenty of places without regard for who they were digging or where they were digging.
Scholarship, tho, science, research, knowledge, all that shit, still important.
Monday, March 6, 2023
Note: If There Are People Commuting Five Hours A Day, That Is A Failed Society
Every day is a little dumber than the day before.
The arc of the universe is long, but it bends to darkness, cold, and deth.
If some dumb fucks are commuting 3, 4, 5 hours a day, then you and everyone who has ever lived are all dismal failures in so many important ways: a society that is the embodiment of too stupid to live.
Thanks, Obama.
Shoegaze Ain't Ded, Either, Bub
Change yer name, it's all the same.
Cool music, tho.
So much cool music out there you will never even hear...
If Your Nation Has A Death Penalty, You're Doing Civilization Wrong
State sanctioned murder is a pretty clear case of uncivilized behavior.
And that's before you consider that the majority of the executed people were clearly innocent or wrongly convicted.
That ain't just-us, folks, and it sure ain't anything like bodily autonomy.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Good For The Kids At CoCo
No place for racist reactionaries in any school.
The doormat of the Nescafe league has some life in it!
If Your Adult Kid Is A Bagger, Disown Them--You've Failed As A Parent, But They Are Vile And Unworthy Of Your Attention
Baggerism is the most shameful and disgusting thing a human can embrace.
No conservatives can be a part of any decent family.
Eradicate conservatism.
Under his eye.
It's Crazy To Think That A Racist Right-Wing Fascist Poltical Party Like The GOP Would Embrace Genocide...Wait, Wut?
Mike Lee is most likely too stupid to understand what libel is, tho.
Or slander.
Or genocide.
But the conservative movement has always been eliminationist at it's core, so this is not really anything new.
Zoe Strimpel Would Like To Remind You That She, Like Every Vile Reactionary TERF, Is Dumber Than Dogshit
Conservatism is a mental defect.
The poor dumb bitch doesn't know what "science" or "woke" even mean.
Limeys are already lower than pond scum, but Zoe Strimpel is somehow even more debased than most.
And Tories are just grotesque imbeciles.
Thanks, Boris.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Trans Kids? Yes. Shabby Bigots? Nah.
Trans kids, and trans folks in general, are the targets of all the worst people in the world.
Bigots and TERFs are just as bad as racists, anti-vaxxers, flat Earthers, zealots, libertarians, reactionaries, Republicans, Trump voters, Proud Boys, Nazis, guntards, cops, and Jimmy Dore stans.
Chances are trans kids are better kids than your kids, anyhow.
Baggers Know That Science Is A Hoax--Praise Be!
Glowbull warming is a communist plot.
The Earth is flat.
Jesus is lord.
Vaccines spread disease.
Tax cuts benefit everyone.
The private sector is more efficient.
Trump won.
Donald Trump Is A Special Kind Of Very Stable Genius
If you had a puppy this dumb, you'd drown it.
Thank christ the baggers will believe anything.
Conservatism is a mental defect.
Friday, March 3, 2023
If You Don't Stand Up For Trans Kids, You're Lower Than Eric Fukking Trump Or George W Bush Or Rapey Uncle Joe
It shouldn't be up to the parents alone.
Decent people need to defend these folks the same way as you would want to be defended as a human being with dignity and value.
I.E. not a conservative.
Conservatives, baggers, libertarians, Republicans, racists, Trump voters, bigots, TERFs, none of those assholes deserve anything, but trans kids need love and respect from every kind and intelligent person out there.
Kuntucky is a fukkin' shithole, and our society should not have to live with the stench of that ignorance and bigotry.
Pro Tip: Fuck Walgreens
Or somewhere.
But not Walgreens.
Fukk 'em.
Abortion is healthcare, and if you are gonna be bullied by bagger cokksukkers, well, fuukkk you.
The Measles Revival Is The Most Wonderfully Hilarious News You Will Get All Day
Jesus loves us so fucking much.
The blessed holy bagger remover at work.
There is nothing better than a bunch of vile christian assholes getting sick and getting ded from easily preventable diseases.
Praise be!
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Outlawing Child Brides Is The Most Effective Method Of Bagger Birth Control Ever Conceived
Without child brides the incel population will explode.
All over themselves with chronic mania.
See what I did there, again?
Anywho, without child brides, the bagger population will go extinct, so if you needed another reason to ban child brides, well, this is one that will truly make America greater again!
Is There Still Time To Run Teh Moron Church Outta Town--Every Town?
Then the christians.
And the Catholics.
Scientologists, jews, muslims, hindus, every single one of the dumm fukks should be tarred and feathered and then run out of every town on a rail.
Religion is incompatible with intelligence, decency, humanity, progress, and peace.
No gods, no masters.
The Caveman's Lesson: It's Never Too Late To Delete The Whyte
Great replacement of white people is as good an idea today as it was 10,000 years ago.
Dumb racist whites are not worth the trouble.
Under his eye.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Pro Tip: Never Send Your Kid To Christian School
Creepy bigots and shabby TERFs are fucking disgusting.
Christianity is a hate group.
Can't learn nothing from a christian.
Unless you're a bagger, then you should learn everything from christians, including all about how vaccines make you into a tranny.
Christian education for christians.
Conservative healthcare for conservatives.
Praise be!
Let's Be Happy For All The Good Cops We Have
All the cops are bastards, and some of them are thots.
Fuck the police, but not in that way you scabby bastard.
The 1312 Project.
Even Yet Still More Not Breaking News: Havana Syndrome Is Utter Horseshit
So those vile torturers and murders in the CIA had some anxious moments and got skeered every time they got a headache.
If only the wonderful people of Cuba really did have a death ray to use against American imperialism.