Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Year Ago Today

rachel maddow looks like she's gonna lose it soon

i'm not sure how much more she can take.  piles of cash vs. a minimum of self respect...

update: maddow is on abortion at the bottom of the hour, back in her righteous comfort zone; it's like ben & jerry's to her.  and she has a point; those people are sick fuckers.

welcome to level 7, fukushima

it's as bad as chernobyl.  flantastic.  and a new fire today.  it's been a month; they don't have the end in sight.

alex proyas

my god, knowing was worse than i, robot!  how is that possible?  those had to be the lamest angels ever; why just choose the kids with aspergers?  and bunnies!  just awful.

hanrahan's wife

is slap shot the most entertaining film ever?

my daughter's favorite bad religion song

she has a little trouble with the city on fire as metaphor for destructive media culture, but she digs it.  she's also a fan of social d and the dead kennedys and x.  but she likes miranda cosgrove and big time rush, too; some things defy explanation.

update: she wants it entered into the record that she liked the music of the ramones and green day when she was a toddler.

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