Yuck! What a waste. This is the time when everyone should realize that Fincher is not much of a film maker, and that Zodiac is probably the best he could ever do. Too bad the music video is dead...
Awful book, poorly written, and absurd, but it was written as a trashy film by Steig Larsson from the beginning, and the Swedish film did a decent job of making the film less ridiculous than the book--and the two subsequent films failed in this regard for the most part--while the American version was apparently penned by someone who very well might never have read a book or worked on screenplay before. What a mess. The casting was shit, too. The only high point was the low-budget Clooney guy who played the immigrant private dick. He seemed to get it. By papal bull, Stellan Skarsgard must appear in every second film made anywhere in the world, so Fincher can't be blamed for that; Christopher Plummer? Yeah, whatever. Everything else rest was meh--complete garbage, and a waste of time and effort.
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