Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One Year Ago Today

cornel west finds a nut

cornel west caught a rash of shit for what he said about obama.  plenty of fools on the leftish blogs got all bent, but it's hard to fault him for what he actually said.  it's clear he felt dissed by obama over the inaguration and shit, and while obama never actually said he wasn't a complete corporate tool, west and lots of others hoped for better.  west has the reputation as a relentless self-promoter and academic lightweight, but even though he was a bit hissy and over the top on this one, he was spot on. 

pawlenty? really?

captain underpants is gonna rescue the ghost of reagan?

mitch daniels

i guess the one who brought the pants back with her to the house told little mitchie no.

palestine? where's that

if they don't go to the united nations because the united states and israel don't support it, well, fuck them.  it was good enough for israel, and everything worked out just so well.

palestine, take 2

since democracy will never be tolerated in palestine/israel, perhaps the best solution would be many billions of dollars of loans and grants to the people of palestine so that they may sustain an enormous military infrastructure and give the freedom-loving zionists a fair fight.  true, there may be some collateral damage, and the occasional innocent civilian might get injured, but it's the only solution that makes sense given the current political climate. 

palestine: one man, one vote

let's see a little democracy in action.

since we're feeling charitable, let's do one woman, one vote also!

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