Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Brit Hume Just Admitted That The Polls Were Right And Romney Probably Can't Win

I think Fox News' balls just fell off and ovaries just fell out.  Math, bitches!

Update: It looks like Sarah Palin got even dumber tonight.  Is that possible?

Updater: Nooners is a piece of shit.  Now she thinks the election was decided a while ago?  Fucking liar.

Updaterer: Is Gibbs going to start trash talking the Fox assholes?  He really really wants to.  He's way too fucking pleased with his team, and the Fox crew is just waiting to get slapped silly.  They know they deserve it.

Updatererer: Todd Akin is a giant sack of human filth, almost as big as Joe Trippi.  Will any prominent Democratic entry-level apparatchiks be writing any more books with Trippi any time soon, I wonder?

Updaterererer: The hour since the call for Obama has been one of the most wonderful hours of Fox News entertainment ever.  I'm kinda glad I was born so that I got to see Karl Rove get skullfucked on live television by lowly news staff members and Michael Barone.  Mmmm, mmmm, good.

Updatererererer: Lanny Davis is an irredeemable shitbag. 

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