Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Isn't One Drop Enough?

Frakking Christ, the racist asshole teabagger types can't fucking help themselves.  What good does it do for some reactionary dipshit to say this shit in public?  Back in the old days, one fucking drop was sometimes enough to classify someone.  Here's a top tip for the racist assholes: SHUT THE FUCK UP!  If the lovely and talented Karen Finney says she's an African American, that's good enough.  SHUT UP RACIST ASSHOLES!  YOU ARE NOT HELPING THINGS AND YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF LOOK EVEN DUMBER THAN USUAL!  FUCK OFF!  Thank you.

Another interesting inside baseball type tidbit in this is that Finney is being hired to do a show that will lead into the new weekend version of Big Ed Shultz's show.  Good for Ms. Finney.  Sure, she wants to be a major media player, but she's usually decent on the tee vee and with any luck, her shabby treatment at the hands of the Republican racist assholes will keep her from being too huge of an establishment tool.

P.S. Let's see some decent Democratic candidates talk about this stupid racist shit in the 2014 campaign.

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