Saturday, April 6, 2013

Now He's Cooled And Stifled, And It's She Who Has To Beg

This is not my favorite version of 'Slit Skirts', but I love the idea of unique recordings of songs as part of a documentary music video, especially if the performance is actually recorded live--this is where the music video should have gone instead of away.  Most of the songs off this album work best on the album itself.   Townshend is an enormous talent, and when his concepts exceeded his ability to express them, interesting things sometimes happened.  All The Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes is certainly one of them.  And what's ironic about this song is Townshend's feelings about age and vitality and sexuality at 34; he was always precocious, but he's almost 70 now and and been involved with a woman nearly 30 years younger for many years.  Things change, I guess.

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