Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jesus It's Not That Hard To Figure Out This ISIS Shit

Nothing is not such a terrible idea when any something is a complete clusterfuck.  The key is the USA should do nothing.  ISIS is not our problem; they are no danger to the United States.  Since the horror show they have going on over there right now IS the fault of the USA, we can't do anything fix it.  Nor should we.  It would only make it worse and extend the time it will take to purge the fundamentalist rejects from the region.  We broke Middle East when we destabilized the region over and over by destroying functional governments, but fuck them.  ISIS are a problem now, but they are a problem for the Saudis, the Israelis, the Jordanians, and the Iranians, and it is time for the them to clean up our mess for once.  The governments of the regional powers like Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, and Iran are in danger from ISIS, so this is their war.  The key word is region.  ISIS ain't shit around here.

Since we as the USA can't intervene directly, we will undoubtedly feel the moral obligation to advise the governments and profiteer wildly.  No soldiers, though.  And an end to the bombing.  Saudi Arabia has planes.  Israel has attack helicopters.  Iran has friends in Russia who sell weapons and like money.  Time for those folks to grow up and fight their own fucking wars. 

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