Tuesday, April 14, 2015

If Obama Manages To Get This Iran Treaty Done, That's His Legacy

A treaty, a real, functioning treaty with Iran, a country we fucked up for good in 1953 setting back the entire world a hundred frakking years, would be the big step in bringing the entire region into the 21st century.  The whole Middle East is a place the United States fucked and repeatedly fucked up; engaging Iran, drawing them into the world community is the one small step for American mankind undoing the damage.  As usual, it'll take ten times as long to fix it as it did to fuck it up, but Obama is doing the right thing.  Also as usual, most of us are gods damned fucktards and will do everything we can to fuck it up because we are evil and stupid and useless, but what other choice do the few decent among us have?

That fact that Republicans and Democrats and other useless right-wing shitbirds hate the thought of a treaty with Iran is easily the second best thing about this.  Or maybe that titanic pussy Netanyahu wetting his bed over this is the second best thing; the assholes in America shitting themselves stupid would be three, then.

Iran will get nukes, I hope, as long as the Russians and Israelis and everyone else has them, but the nukes are just the excuse.  It's a treaty, political, legal engagement in place of murder and destruction and war, which is the prize.  Obama might be one of the few establishment pols in the USA understanding and/or caring, so if he pulls it off, he'll have that singular achievement after a string of sad failures--and a nice middle finger to the reactionary motherfuckers over Cuba.

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