Friday, October 21, 2016

All Together Now: Pete Peterson Sucks Ass! Fuck Him! Again!

Pete Peterson is a loathsome shitbird, and his obsession with forcing poor people and old people and children to suffer just a bit more so he can have more money is fucking ugly.  But Pete Peterson is the government, and the dumb shit he wants becomes policy if he gets his way, so it's good to see a tiny bit of pushback.  Is Hillary Clinton going to stand up to Pete Peterson and the rest of the granny-starvers?  Obama tried to give Mitch McConnell and John Boehner their grand bargain, cutting Social Security and Medicare, but the Republicans were too wrapped up in their mindless racist teabagging opposition to the blah president to follow through.  Lucky for yer granny.

The Intercept has been pretty good, especially compared to the risible stooges at Vox.

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