Thursday, October 27, 2016

Is The Handbuilt Bicycle Guide The Smary Jerk-Off America Needs?

Why is the URL handbuiltbicyclenews but the front page banner says Handbuilt Bicycle Guide?  That's fucked up, but worse, is the PR horseshit on the site--nothing but gussied-up press release copy for any of the kool kids at the lunchtable who can pay the fee.  There's even a review of enthusiastic kool kid TooTall's lube.  Imagine that!  It's almost like Richard Sachs and his little friends had their own news site stroking them off.  Wait, what?

Certainly this kind of smarmy, self-congratulatory garbage is not what America needs right now.  Bet those idiots go through a shit ton of that lube, atmo.

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