Saturday, January 5, 2013

One Year Ago Today

is santorum worth the effort?

senator frothy is a scumbag from way back.  for some reason, i've always found the home-school scam one of the most amusing.  he's just a piece of shit, and it's not exactly a secret.  but i really wonder if it's going to be worth the effort for anybody to go nuts on him exposing his ugly past for our amusement? 

olbermann's critics

imagine being called a candy-ass by the likes of this?

cranky grandpa goldbug goes bye-bye

goldbug grandpa simpson ron paul had a huge opportunity in iowa and blew it bigtime with only a third place finish.  assuming he had a useful message to add to the campaign--and that's a big if--he totally fucked up any chance he had after under performing in iowa.  so, bye-bye, dipwad. 

shoutout for harvey wasserman

when in doubt, the world needs a shoutout to someone who is always working for a better future, and is a genuine national treasure, harvey wasserman of solartopia fame.

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