Monday, March 4, 2013

One Year Ago Today

daily kos birth control shenanigans

i call bullshit.  i don't believe a word of this.  i doesn't pass the smell test, and all the hand-wringers are fools. 
i’m pretty sure that even at band camp, the other little scamps could never find out what pills you are taking, especially if it is under the care of a doctor on the trip.  a doctor would be wicked paranoid about just this sorta shit because the signed releases and all the other documentation point right back to him or her.  unless you tell someone yourself, but then the little scamps in your class woulda known what a huge ‘birth control whore’ you were already.  i call bullshit.

and besides, when you put a young girl on ortho tricyclen because of bad periods or pcos or whatever, you don’t generally refer to it as birth control when you are writing the script.  those sorts of treatments are therapy meds.  certainly the patient should be able to understand this concept by the age of 16--or six--unless we are talking about some kind of special ed student--and should never have to ask her mother if she's a slut because of her meds.  i mean, christ, at 16 you should know what the fuck the word slut means. 

and exactly what 16 year old girl on this planet would refer to herself or another girl as a ‘birth control slut’??   jesus, my daughter is almost half that age, and she’s way more sophisticated than that.  plus, she sure as shit knows about some of the different uses of hormone therapy.  if she got put on that sort of medication, i’m pretty sure that even now she wouldn’t react like this 16 year old supposedly did.  nope. don’t believe it.

limbaugh’s a giant douche, but the kos thing reads like bad jonathan lethem.  this is either a clumsy fabrication or documentary of life in the palin family.  

is malcolm gladwell the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet?

this art-garfunkel-looking motherfucker was on the 60 minutes tonight while i was making dinner.  jesus h. christ, anybody who'd do anything more significant than wiping their ass on the advice of this cocksucker is probably just about too stupid to breathe, so any day now we should have a much smarter planet.  would you really like to be 2 years older than the smart kids in your class like some oversized, pockmarcked stayed-back fucking beetle-browed goon?  sure, sure, if you're a fucking canadian, maybe.  otherwise, graduating at 17 only gives you back some freedom and one of the best years of your life just in case you have some imagination or intelligence.  stupid parents make for stupid kids.  assholes.

eject porkins!

what a maroon.  now that he's had to eat a foot-long shit sandwich, just maybe this will be the end of that bloated fucknozzle limbaugh.  couldn't happen to a more deserving specimen. 

kirsten powers: a new definition of useless

fluffing rush 'jek porkins' limbaugh.  that is too disgusting to even contemplate, but somehow she manages to do it with relish.  roger ailes must be so proud of his girl.

ok, one more

maybe this one.  looks good in the picture.  top tube routing.  haven't seen it in person yet.  we may be opening a new scott dealer to sell one kids bike.  or not.  the shop does need another mass-market road bike, so we'll see.  otherwise i gotta go a little ways.  color is not ideal, but...

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