Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tomac Bikes? Tomac? Bikes?

What the fuck?  Tomac?  John Tomac?  Bikes?  It's 2013, I think, and Tomac has bikes again. That's weird and unexpected.  Even stranger is that not-Serotta is making the first new Tomac bike model.  It's fine, just fine, but without Doug Bradbury and a cool aluminium racing hardtail, I'm not sure what the point is, exactly.  Surely the first bike, that gravel road thing, is fucking ugly and seemingly beyond goofy and pointless as well as having nothing to do with John Tomac's bike racing background, so it looks a lot like a huge blunder out of the gate--and it is being built by the not-Serotta company, so the reborn Tomac brand finds itself rolling around in that puddle of pig shit.  But, if, and the biggy big if is big, the Tomac brand retains a for-realz made in USA commitment, not-Serotta or no, AND has a cool, modern racing hardtail mountain bike AND a cool, modern road racing frame, well, maybe.

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