Friday, November 23, 2012

One Year Ago Today

something in the water


history says, there's always got to be a fall guy

i guess this should only elicit an ironic no shit, but it does tell you just how far we have to go before we root out the all the toady scum at all levels of society that fight against liberty and fairness every day on behalf of the 1%.  of course, seeing linda katehi forced to resign would be a fine thing, but it's really only one small step for mankind.  

the empire strikes back, again

less money for people and more money for oil companies, that's the true mission of our imperial adventure in libya.  now libya has traded one set of problems for a whole new set, courtesy of freedom bombs and oil companies, and every one of these insights into the true aims of american imperial activity also tells us important stories about the workings of the oligarchy here at home.  each and every dollar that western oil companies can liberate from the domestic economy in libya will be delivered to the economy of the 1%; regard for libyan health, literacy, education and domestic stability does not enter into the equation.  in the same way, the goal of radical wealth redistribution to the top 1% in the united states will continue without pause if the current officials in both major parties remain in office.  far from being a method of defending some inane concept of liberty or freedom, our imperial wars are only waged to capture more of the world's wealth resources on behalf of the oligarchy.  maybe some of our more honorable politicians should start acknowledging this reality and begin the education of the american people at large.

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