Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oprah Gangland Style: Susan Rice

The optics of the l'affaire Susan Rice could not be better for Obama: a gaggle of dim-witted, white Republican Senators, including cranky and senile McCain and closeted, queenie, and southern Graham--Huckleberry Closetcase, indeed--out there calling the African-American female diplomat a liar and a dummy all over the tee vee right after Obama skull-fucked the entire Republican party with help of minority and female voters.  Obama could not have possibly been kind enough to kittens in a former life to deserve this good karma.  There have not been enough kittens in the entire 7000 year history of the Earth to generate this much good karma for anyone, but President Obama gets the benefit of Republican malpractice once again.  I don't believe it would be best for him to use a recess appointment to avoid a battle.  That would be a waste.  This is all win for Obama and the Democrats; every 2014 Democratic candidate should want a loud, stupid, and racist--and ultimately ineffectual--assault on Rice by the Republicans and use that as one of the giant, steel tools with which they fuck the Republicans stupid in 2014.

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