Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One Year Ago Today

old hippies never die

interesting piece on crooks and liars about the ubiquitous asshole problem that all peaceful protest groups have to deal with.  it's never gonna go away, mostly because beyond the genuine and annoying but mostly-harmless assholes, the provocateurs and vandals are almost always police agents fomenting criminal activity on behalf of the state. 

bring on the drachma

very sad that the greek pm was such a pussy, but if the whole eurozone starts to crack, as france and italy are threatening to do, then perhaps we'll see a return to some of those funny little currencies like the drachma.  the return of the drachma could also signal a return to a smidge of democracy in yurp and beyond.  europeans and americans alike are being asked to ride the austerity pony under the orders of the clueless and helpless galtian overlords; a return to democracy for the majority and a haircut for those self-styled master-of-the-universe banksters will do much to restore our economic vitality. 

wwprd? what will president romney do?

i'm really curious which president romney will slither into the white house in 2013.  i can't believe that he'll be a teabagger poster boy.  he's gotta hate those assholes after all the shit they're making him eat.  his previous public life has shown he is essentially chameleon wallpaper, happy to blend into any political environment lame enough to actually elect him and without any idea or principle to call his own.  he was a boring, relatively useless governor of massachusetts and would have been a totally nondescript senator.  he fancies himself a technocrat and problem solver, even if in reality he's little more than a spoiled brat version of an empty suit.  who is john galt indeed?  one answer is, at least as big a fucking twerp as mitt romney.  regardless, as president will romney want to be a boringly effective chief executive in the face of a moribund american economy, or will he want to be a frothing right-wing ass-clown ideologue?  i can't believe he wants to kiss the ring of the kochs or the mellons or the bastard children of pat robertson.  he has to hate all of those faith and freedom motherfuckers for the anti-mormon bigotry.  if he wants to be an effective president, he will find a huge army of right-wing elected officials ready to further his boring and almost totally ineffective nixonian program as long as he cuts loose the useless teabagger assholes and can bring all of those right-wing democrats on board.  he could consolidate an effective, rock-ribbed republican party for the next three generations and leave the few center-left democrats like elizabeth warren to those of us who know better. 

touched by a nittany lion

how do you not report child rape?  how do you not stop a child rape when you witness it?  if you are a grown man and you see another grown man raping a boy in the shower, i'm pretty sure your first thought is not to tell your daddy and then have you and daddy tell coach paterno.  i'm pretty sure you should stop the rape in progress and then call the police.  or stop the rape, beat the rapist into a pulp first and then call the police.  then you call the victims parents.  that is what you would do.  unless you were a fucking moron or some sort of disgusting pervert yourself.  the more you hear about this horrible case, the more it sounds like penn state is the pennsyltucky vatican.  all they need is a little transubstantiation and resurrection and they'll be fucking golden; they've got the child rape part down pat.

way to go ohio

come on, boys and girls, vote no on 2.  delivering a defeat to koch brothers catamite john kasich ain't gonna change the world, but it will be a happy little sting--and a very public one--where it hurts those jerkoffs the most, so get out the vote and vote no.

lying whore number four

that chug-chug-chugging you hear is not the cain train steaming off to the white house.  for fun, read some of the comments here.  those dipshits are having real trouble with this; their misogyny is crashing into their racism, and it's damn funny.

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