Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Year Ago Today

mississippi? really? ooh, baby!

mississippi, you have renewed my faith in the former confederacy!  for tonight at least...

seriously, mississippi, the
forces of evil believed you were a bunch of ignorant, hateful, backward-ass motherfuckers dumb enough to vote for any stupid thing you were told to, and you were not.  so, good for you.  women, babies, and all the good people of america thank you for not helping a bunch of creepy woman-hating perverts fuck us all. 

okay. good job maine.

lotsa sketchy weird shit goes on in maine politics-and in maine!--but they did the right thing today, so good on 'em.  good job.

way 2 go oh high oh

sayonara means goodbye.  john kasich is the worst investment the koch brothers made last year.  what's next, john kasich brand discount industrial toilet paper rolls and scott walker extra soft and gentle toilet paper for home use? 

james wolcott: chivalry ain't dead

vantity fair's snarkmaster-in-chief james wolcott takes a bit of umbrage at the dimunition of his wife's career achievements and counters with a hale and hearty fuck you.  heh, indeedy.

i hope to hell that al sharpton sends herman cain a christmas card this year and every year

on his msnbc show tonight, there is a gloriously stentorian al sharpton standing tall and proud on the back of his high high horse pouring a shitload of opprobrium all over the greasy head of herman 'hermentum' cain.  what a sight to behold!  he's come a long way... 

pssst...the last 'bidness man' in the whitehouse was a brain-damaged orangutan

and that retarded monkey from texas didn't know the meaning of the word baseless either.

but, if herman cain wants to run as successful business man, then let's have a little fun with it, because he was the definition of the word failure at godfather's pizza.  he did his best to sink the whole organization, so he really was every bit the george w. bush of shitty chain pizza.  he couldn't have sucked worse if he was selling obscenely-priced no-name chinese plastic bikes with a fancy paint job out of his mom's garage!

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