Saturday, September 8, 2012

One Year Ago Today

al sharpton, yes. lawrence o'donnell, no.

sharpton is not polished for sure, and down-right unwatchable at times, but o'donnell is just such a sanctimonious prick that he's unwatchable 100% of the time.

where are the liberal, or even center-left, national politicians?

where are they?  sure, lots of wanna-believers got a chubby over obama's speech last night, but at heart, obama is a right-wing corporatist and only looks vaguely like a possible democrat because on one hand he's black, and on the other hand, the mainstream of the republican party is so far right that augusto pinochet looks like mayor bernie sanders in comparison.  fine, but where are the even vaguely liberal national politicians, the ones a little less vague than sanders or kucinich or franken?

who is out there advocating for a decrease in the social security retirement age?  or increasing the amount of the benefit in order to get the u.s. out of the social pension payout basement?  how about someone advocating or even campaigning for office on extending medicare eligibility?  tax reform?  since half the candidates are gonna lose anyway, why don't some of these seemingly no-chance campaigners actually run on some true-blue liberal policies, even in red states?  tax reform, not with the goal of making taxes more regressive, but instead with the expressed and clear goal of making the tax code more progressive and fair.  that sounds like a pretty provocative campaign issue, so why aren't some supposedly liberal money sources like soros or buffet backing these kinds of campaigns in order to get these progressive and liberal ideas into the national converstation in much the same way the coors and the mellons and the olins did in the 70's, saturating the culture with their insane and caustic conservative ideas until they didn't seem so poisonous and dangerous anymore?

the simple answer is that no money men have a vested interest in promoting this liberal agenda; their imperative is to maintain a functional status quo so they support the reliably servile democrats because they are much less twitchy than some of those gun nut teabaggers.  these ideas do have a huge audience though: most of the population.  it starts with getting the word out there.  if no candidates are running on union membership and labor rights as their primary issue, then that issue gets no play anywhere.  even though some liberal candidates will lose, most at first, a concerted effort up and down the political system will get these issues in the conversation and will start to move the center of the debate away from the far-right positions of barack obama and mitt romney and more in the direction of the center-right positions of bernie sanders and dennis kucinich.

there are so many easy, self-evident liberal issues that would soon be sure-fire winners if they had champions in the game: trade policy, labor policy, tax policy, foreign policy and endless wars, national healthcare, education, science.  finding candidates for any and every office in the country to run on these issues is a necessary and useful first step.

are ed shultz and john cole actually the same person?

cole calls shultz limbaugh on twitter, but they seem like they really could be clones.  both are former rock ribbed republicans.  both come from shitty red states.  both can't help but fluff and fluff and fluff.  switched at birth?  twins?  clones?  we may never know the answer to these questions, but tune in next time for another exciting episode of bullshit or not?

big ed shultz has a boehner over the speech

senior obama fluffer ed shultz is fluffing hard tonight; he can't help it.  he thinks obama gave it all to the teabaggers, but he's got a raging boehner anyway.  big ed just can't quit obama.

lori klausutis was the intern who may have been murdered by joe scarborough

this american never got justice.  why would someone who was a married man and elected to national office want her dead?  perhaps her death was a hit, and the payment to the hitman was shitty television show. 

when is joe scarborough gonna release a song about dead interns

country joe 'dead intern' scarborough has a rockin new anti-war song now, but when's he gonna do an epic dead intern song?

obama fluffers have boehners tonight

over at balloon juice the obama fluffers are pushing each other out of the way to get their own turn to fluff not only obama, but their own demi-god obama fluffer and former rockribbed republican john cole.  oh my they loves them some obama, but there are some scary people out there who don't wanna get in on the fluffin', and they hate them lots and call 'em names

payroll tax cuts are a bad idea

they can only undermine the fiscal health of the social security program as a whole, and will do nothing to help the middle class in the long term  once, again, if obama is not smart enough to know this, he has no business being president.

mandate schmandate

remember when obama was elected with an historic mandate?  now he's grovelling before john boehner and mitch mcconnell for fetid right-wing scraps. 

jay carney making the rounds

disgusting toady.  and if obama had been a decent president or a decent man, he woulda' had everyone from his administration stay off fox news 100% from day one and do absolutely nothing to validate those treasonous felons and liars.  probably just that 'fuck them' attitude towards fox would have won him re-election.  nice going, dipshit.

koreans are not gonna buy fords

because they're not nearly as stupid as we are.  they are happy to sell hyundai's to idiots, but they are not dumb enough to let those idiots compete in their home market.  protectionism works for workers and governments.  free-trade works for multi-national corporations. 

james hoffa for president

why not?  at least he's got a tiny bit of personality and is willing to call the teabagging sons of bitches sons of bitches.  better than obama's done.

why did obama keep saying he would pay for this nonsense?

seriously, he could not suck any worse.  these cuts are only going to hurt both the economy and the people who count on this stuff, whether it's a social program or a goverment-related job.  why pay for this stuff?  interest rates are low low low.  get the folks back to work and the deficit problem goes bye bye!  either barack obama is too fucking stupid to know this, or he is such a ginormous right-wing asshole! 

renationalize the postal service

let's all be strict constructionists like ron paul and bring the postal service back under the control of the federal government.  fuck revenue, fuck profits, fuck value-added services.  let's get some happy civil servants getting paid fair wages to deliver the fucking mail to every fucking address in the fucking country every fucking day and not worry about the rest of the bullshit.  if anything is a public good, it's the mail.  we don't have private armies, so--wait, what?  well, we shouldn't have a private postal service.  ronald reagan really did suck huge moose cock.

watching obama is like scrotal surgery without anesthesia

his speeches were always bullshit, but now they're so vile that maybe he should just shut the fuck up, resign and let biden play out the string. 

obama's calling for medicare reform right now

and that vile cretin and closet queen lindsey graham stands up to cheer this bastard on!  this one-term asshole will easily go down as one of the worst democratic presidents of all time, or since clinton at least.  fuck him.

chris matthews is an idiot on television. again.

social security zombie lie edition.  that moon-faced assassin of intelligence said today that in the beginning social security on paid a few bucks to the few people who lived to be older than 65 but now it pays lots more because most people live past 65.  this is, of course, bullshit, and if matthews is too fucking stupid to know that, then get him off the fucking tee vee once and for all.  people lived way past 65 if they didn't die when they were children.  duh, matthews.  retard.

tom coburn on dylan ratigan again! why?

why why why???  this guy is a fucking moron.  doctor or not, he's too stupid to be believed, too stupid to be heard and too stupid to be on fucking television talking about shit that actually matters!  if he wants to visit whores with david vitter or strip clubs with rick perry's staff, that's fine.  who cares?  but keep these bugfuck crazy morons off the godsdamned media when we have real frakking problems in this frakking country!

sean hannity is too stupid to be entertaining

that's the major problem with his show.  he's just too fucking dumb.  at least glenn beck was so amazingly insane that you could derive some sick pleasure from watching him.  with hannity, though, it's boring because he's too dim to add any verve to his bland fluffing of republican talking points.

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