Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One Year Ago Today

arthur fortune sucks

as seen on l,g&m, titanic asswipe arthur fortune does his part for union busting at yet another shitty airline.  i can't help but think that after 40 years, every working man and woman in america should be eager to join a union, and if they remain anti-union that they are truly too stupid to live and are in fact holding the entire species back.  unfortunately, the american political culture has always been less than vigorous, so representation for labor in our goverment and society has always been stunted.  still, we need to be responsible for our own well-being, and anyone in the 99% who is against universal union representation is ignorant and short-sighted at best but is much more likely simply an absolute fucking worthless cockbag.
update: bad guys win.  everyone loses. 

ron paul's friends

america's patriot warrior, general jc christian, is all over the fine fine folks who are rock-ribbed supporters of rep. ron paul.  in reality, paul is a nasty, black-hearted little troll, and the only reason he does not get roasted on a daily basis for his insanity is that he quite possibly the last person north america who could actually get elected president of the united states.

flaccid boehner

who's gonna be the next speaker?  since it is now obvious that boehner has completely lost control of his caucus, one of those creepy little fuckers is probably going to need to knock him off if the republicans retain control of the house.  his pissboy mitch mcconnell made that deal boehner asked for, but he couldn't get his own moron chorus to line up behind it.  he's maybe the worst speaker ever, after gingrich of course. 


we can all pray that yesterday's game will put an end to the tebow nonsense, despite what goofy old phil simms had to say.  tebow played like shit, as did the whole broncos team.  apparently jeebus can't work a decent miracle against the varsity. 

north korea's renaissance

hey!  good luck with that!  it's amazing that that crazy bastard was only 69 when he died?  odd, cause these nutty little fuckers in nutty little countries seem timeless.  if the kid takes over and live a nice long north-korean life, then he will be quite the frothing crackpot by the time he kicks off.  i'd really like a chance to find out what north korea is really like these days, free of the western bias.  it's probably not great but also not at all like you see on american tee vee.  regardless, i'm sure hitchens was good and drunk and waiting to yell at dear leader when he showed up in hell. 

newt's joyless insanity

gingrich is every bit as bugfuck insane as bachmann, cain and paul, but gingrich, like paul for the most part, is a nasty, joyless insanity, poorly designed to provide maximum entertainment.  paul's gold standard is loony, and his racism is as vile as david duke's or haley barbour's, but paul is a fringe of a fringe of a fringe candidate.  newt, on the other hand, was playing at the top of the shitpile, until recently.  for all gingrich's crazy talk, like arresting judges or enslaving children or blowing donald trump on live tee vee, he never performed with the joyous verve that squeaky michele bachmann or aging horndog herman cain brought to our shameful national freakshow.  gingrich comes across a humorless turd who can't even be bothered to smile when he's turning his trick.

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