Friday, December 21, 2012

One Year Ago Today

virag's movie reviews: red white & blue (2010)

what a movie!  it ended up on my dvr somehow, and i watched it the other night when i should have been working.  not really an american movie though it was filmed in austin because the director is some limey and the lead actor some other kind of dirty foreigner, this is a lovely little slice of all-american family values regardless.  it looks like it cost about a hundred and fifty dollars to make, and i mean that in the best possible sense.  the film actually resorted to creative storytelling, skillful, considered acting, and claustrophobic cinematography to cook up an engrossing and intense cinematic experience.  i must have a high tolerance for violence because i did not find the film overly violent, and it was certainly not at all gory in the sloppy and childish taratino/rodriguez 70's-homage sense.  the gore was mostly internal and fairly subtle considering the subject matter.  i liked the movie.  amanda fuller and the lead guy did a really nice job.  it's a good film and worth checking out if you love america. 

second amendment remedy

pretty obvious little piss take regarding the second amendment remedies for the occupy movement here on counterpunch.  the well-armed second amendment remedies in the class war are probably not as far off as you would hope.

virag's movie reviews: stealth (2005)

what the hell?  somebody paid money to make this?  did they read it?  was there even a script?  and what the fuck were joe morton and sam shepard doing in that fucking thing?  wow it sucked.  really, it was just awful; no idea where the money went.  the effects were reanimated battlestar galactica quality at best.  maybe the actors all got huge salaries.  i knew an air force veteran who loved it.  one of the worst ever.

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