Saturday, December 22, 2012

One Year Ago Today

concept album

awww. this is wicked cute.  good for them.  good for the navy for being cool with it, too.

the beauty of the season

oh, this is just fantastic.  hypocrites getting hung out to dry by their own foibles is the true miracle of the season.  whoever initially came up with the idea to apologize to that assclown amy koch because she couldn't keep her legs closed is a fucking genius.

what's the opposite of sex positive?

this might be it.  ayn rand and stinky, sweaty monkey boning is one of the most unappetizing images in history. 

chewing on a boehner

boehner got chewed up and spit out by the whore parade in washington.  i don't get it; somebody musta been a very good boy cuz that moron boehner handed obama the best present he could have dreamed of.  ineffectual doesn't even begin to describe just how stupendously boehner blows at being speaker.

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