Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One Year Ago Today

wolcott boosts counterpunch

james wolcott's place is one of the few in the establishment blogland where you will see the existence of the wonderful counterpunch acknowledged.  apparently wolcott reads it and gets it, and he's getting the word out about their fundraising drive.  good goods. 

awesome scary comic book

as seen on lawyers buns and money, this hilarious outrage is a fucking awesome nugget of our unique american fucked-upedness.  unreal.

health care in america is a disaster. still a disaster.

it's not 1950.  or 1970.  or 1992.  or 2009.  and the health care situation in america continues to deteriorate.  the failing system costs money, but worse, it costs lives.  what passes for leadership in this country refuses to address the situation rationally.  if we cannot figure out what the rest of the developed world has mastered, we are doomed.

we are doomed. 

so, the shultz/o'donnell switch happened; is ron reagan jr. coming on board?

but i still don't get it.  sure it's called 'the last word' but it looks and feels like msnbc is floundering in general.  they've lost their anchor in olbermann and their most interesting additions like sharpton and hayes are far out of prime time.  what's next for them?  ron reagan jr.?

disposable $5000 29er frame

if you crash this you probably just have to go home and kill yourself.  you are the 99%. 

who will mittens pick?

who will romney anoint as the his veep?  now that perry has fucked up, cain has gone nuts and bachmann has become irrelevant, will mittens pick some boring campaigner like pawlenty?  assuming he doesn't need a stunt pick like a palin, it will be difficult for him to pick a candidate so invisible that he or she won't outshine his lack-of personality. 

bill bennett and bill o'reilly: 2 1-watt bulbs

hearing bill bennett and bill o'reilly talk about bringing in lots of men to be with boys is somehow wrong wrong wrong.  a couple of horrible fuckers right there. 

rahm emanuel is one of obama's closest politcal allies

wretched douchenozzle and petty facist rahm emanuel did his best to derail the occupy movement in chicago with a photo-op mass arrest.  let's all remember that this asshole is one of barack obama's closest political allies and advisors.  it's nice and all that he's out of the whitehouse, but this is just another example of the disgusting crew obama pals around with.

rentboy cannot possibly be real

this has to be a joke.  a site called rentboy has to be a spoof created specifically to embarrass closet-case republican.  i mean, come on.  rentboy?  no fucking way.

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