Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Year Ago Today

is the velocipede salon the anti-serotta forum?

not really, but i have been reading the aforementioned velocipede salon in preparation for the looming terotta tankruptcy when the idiot's delight known as the serotta forum will be nothing but a pathetic memory.  it will be sad to see that particular form of guilty-pleasure entertainment join the great circle-jerk in the sky. 

it snowed, so al gore is fat

right-wing fucktards like eric bolling don't understand science, the scientific method, scepticism, mathematics, the difference between weather and climate, the difference between global warming and global climate change, or much of anything of all.  people like him are too stupid to think for themselves, so they just repeat what they are told.  they are the definition of waste of space, but they wouldn't understand that either.

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