Friday, October 5, 2012

One Year Ago Today

herman cain: world nut daily

or at least world nut weekly in the case of hermentum.  is he really the candidate of the world nut daily crowd?  that would be pretty scary, because i can't help but think he's got a disability in the eyes of those kooks when it comes time to actually vote. 

creepy steve jobs hagiography on msnbc tonight

kudos to olbermann for mentioning jobs's death but sticking to real news.  msnbc spent 90 minutes on a 90-second story.  very creepy and very weird given all the stuff going on in the world these days. 

fools on parade: serotta forum

the occupy wall street has caused some confusion amongst our dimmer two-wheeled internets friends, the serotta forum.  there was a decent amount of support for the protests, but as usual the most strident responses came from the happy fascist jerkoffs who make up a large part of the serotta customer base.  this asshole often pukes up the standard koch-sucker talking points because he is apparently in the financial advising business so he happily sucks the toes of the elite to make money.  there's some great teabagger propaganda from this dipshit.  see, the teabaggers weren't a bunch of astro-turfed ignorant racist assholes.  no, they were good people, 'employed' people at 'denny's' who might 'coach soccer'.  what a fucking dickhead.  i'm not sure what's worse, that he really believes that shit or that he happily spews it on command in order to bolster the argument of the 1% and their lickspittles.  of course, this scumbag has to chime in, because even though he inherited some money from his father and doesn't really work, he understands almost nothing about the world around him and spends his time cut and pasting heritage foundation and heartland institute and cato institute talking points while pretending that those things are not utter fabrications or bullshit in other words.  he's a vile human being with some ugly beliefs.  the worst of the worst.  just for fun, some sorry bastard makes sure he gets in the same stupid zombie lie about nuclear power because, well, why not?  finally, some supposedly hard-working all-american douchenozzle who is dismissive of the protests because the protesters are 'obstructing commerce' and 'don't work' chimes in to add insult to ignorance.

this thread is really a sad example of just how ill-informed and ugly a large portion of the people in america are.  these fools don't understand that they are both part of the problem as well as victims of the system.  the fact that they can't see the truth of the economic and social reality around them is both sickening and sad.  their facile ignorance and lies are both hateful and disgusting.  this is what we are all fighting.  unfortunately, some of the 99% are also vile toady class traitors. 

shame on richard dawkins for going on o'reilly

smart guy, but not smart enough to stay away from an irredeemable fuckhead like o'reilly.  it must suck to have a book to sell, but come on, fox news?  o'reilly for christ's sake?  jesus.

jonathan capehart, village idiot, rants on ratigan's show

dim-bulb washington post village idiot jonathan capehart gave a sad little rant at the end of asshat dylan ratigan's show today where he contended that the teabaggers started as a grass-roots group of americans who were sick of not having a voice in america anymore, just like the occupy wall street folks.  anyone out there, even at the washington post, who really believes that the teabaggers are anything but the ass-end of the ignorant republican base astro-turfed into a circus side-show should be taken away in a butterfly net and left in a nice rubber room where they can paint the walls with their own shit.

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