Monday, October 29, 2012

One Year Ago Today

paging senator warren

watching scott brown lose his shit trying to beat elizabeth warren is going to be all kinds of good fun.  

caroline heldman hearts big ed shultz after all

on caroline heldman's site, i commented:

if you google ‘caroline heldman msnbc’ this post is right up there near the top. considering that you have been appearing with big ed quite regularly since you throat-punched bill o’reilly on his detestable o’reilly factor show a couple of weeks ago, you may want to update this post with something ambiguous about how big ed should probably have kept his show after all.

her embrace of big ed is interesting considering her blog post from may that said msnbc should fire ed schultz.   i guess she really really likes being on the tee vee, and o'reilly probably isn't going to have her back any time soon.

get this man a helicopter

atrios's helicopter schtick is more than just a joke.  his point is a good one: the money was printed and given out freely but only to a small group of americans.  the group, as it turns out, that caused much of the economic collapse in the first place.  had each american been given that $20,000 bill to spend as he or she saw fit, the benefits to the economy would have been much greater than the ones we got by keeping all the free money in the hands of the bankster assholes. 

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