Friday, October 12, 2012

Ryan Butt Hurt

Heh, indeedy.  Fox News has been pretty fucking hilarious today, complaining about ole Smirky Joe and claiming the half-watt bulb Paul Ryan was the clear winner.  I will give Biden credit because it was not as apparent last night, but his utter disdain for Ryan and Ryan's bullshit and his pathetic Republican ticket was clearly very damaging to the Romney campaign, the Fox News brand, and the general Republican asshole mentality out there.  Biden is no great guy; he's always been an incurious and loyal corporate stooge, but last night was clearly a good thing, maybe the best thing he's done in his career.  Treat utter fools like the fools they are.  Laugh at them.  Make them feel stupid.  Show the rest of the folks that it is okay to laugh at the dummies and make fun of their bullshit, and you can help America grow up.  Maybe Biden did more than just help that turd Obama win an election last night.  Without really meaning to, he may have made the Democrats just a little bit better of a political party and helped put America on the road to real progress.

Or not, but the Fox assholes are spooked, and given the state of affairs in this dump, we have to take every scrap of hope we get.

And another hopeful thought: this should be the end of Paul Ryan's career.  He was touted as a smart guy, a policy guy, a big Republican brain.  Well, that's pretty much dead.  Biden skull-fucked him and made Ryan seem not only stupid on the policy, but helpless and empty-headed on the political skills.  Biden was mostly bullshit with a good performance, but Ryan was nothing with no performance.  If he's the best the Repubs have, they are fuuuccked.

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