Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wingnut Asshole Doctor Ben Carson Is Also Creationist Moron

The jerkoff doctor who puked up some teabagger talking points at the National Prayer Breakfast, Ben Carson, is a pediatric neurosurgeon and world class retard, aka a creationist, and yet another doctor who displays the stunning lack of scientific understanding by most medical practitioners.  First off, a national prayer breakfast is about the most despicable thing I can imagine, and anyone associated with it should probably be summarily killed.  But to have an ignorant fool like Ben Carson, another idiot who proves that being a great doctor is more like being a great plumber or a great motorcycle mechanic than it is being like any sort of brilliant scientist or artist, spew Glenn Beck-level bullshit in any public venue should have made Obama use a fucking drone to take out the entire assembly.  I guess for Obama the upside was that a drooling dickhead like Carson made Obama look smart--and sane--by comparison.

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