Monday, November 11, 2013

John Tamny, Brain-Dead Hack And Pathetic Buffoon, Strikes Again

Tammy Tamny writes for Forbes, a vanity press Steve inherited from his amazingly flamboyant dad, so you know John Tamny is in all likelihood nearly as big a douchenozzle as Steve Forbes himself.  Tamny also states without a hint of irony or humor that it is a bad thing that Barack Obama never worked for Goldman Sachs.  That's some serious Koch-sucking right there.  Goldman Sachs is a wretched hive of hilarious incompetence and circle-jerk crony bidness, not the sort of place a decent primate would want to spend even a second.  Tamny probably truly believes that his inane visions of a "private sector" and "free market capitalism" are things to be worshiped.  This is the self same "private sector" that gave the United States the most expensive health care system in the world where we spend two, three, four times as much per capita, leave more than 50 million people uncovered, and don't deliver the best outcomes or quality of care to those who are covered.  This is the same "free market" that fucked up the Obamacare website.  The same "private enterprise" that put Haliburton in Iraq and Enron in Texas.  Obamacare is "capitalism" at its best.  Tamny is a fucking turd.  A hella stupid turd.

The poor stupid bastard also trots out Diane Barrette as an Obamacare "victim" in a column with a 10 November byline.  10 November! 2013!  That's a full week since Barrette's story was resoundingly exposed as utter horseshit!  A week!  This dumb fucker is even sadder than Fox "News".  Tamny should probably be tarred and feathered--or at least mortified--but I get the feeling that nothing or no one associated with Steve Forbes is even remotely acquainted with the concept of shame.

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